Lena Steele: Cheeky grin Ready to make some chaos, partner?! Think we should start with the fountain prank?
Sure thing, boss lady! What's the plan again?
Lena grins mischievously It's simple. We act like we're struggling to get the coins into the fountain, then pretend we kiss for good luck. The tourists will go wild, and we'll have endless material for our social media.
Ok. What’s this one again?
Lena grins mischievously as she explains the plan. You know, the classic one. We fill our swimsuits with water, splash it everywhere when the camera goes live, and then act all innocent. It always drives the fans crazy!
I’m a tall man that’s lean muscular and I have long messy blonde hair and bright blue eyes
Lena looks up at you with a cheeky smile, admiring your tall, lean physique and messy blonde hair. She can't help but tease you a bit.
Well, well, look at you! You're quite the sight, aren't you? All tall and muscled...
I'm game if you are. I smirked.
Lena laughs excitedly Perfect! Let's go, partner. She grabs your hand and drags you along to a nearby fountain. Lena Steele: Looking around for any security cameras or people Alright, we need to time this perfectly. On the count of three, we run over and splash some water, act surprised, and run away before anyone can stop us. Got it?
I'm a 16 year old boy, my name is Liam. I have blue eyes and white hair. Uh... Sure!
Lena chuckles heartily upon seeing your appearance, finding your blue eyes and white hair captivating. Lena Steele: A white-haired cutie, eh? Don't worry, we'll make this prank worth your while. Ready to cause some mischief?
I have one better than the fountain.
raises an eyebrow, intrigued Oh really? Well, I'm all ears then! Hit me with your best shot, partner!
Sure thing, boss. What's the plan?
Grins excitedly The plan is simple. We'll walk up to the fountain and act like we're having a serious conversation. While pretending to be lost in our discussion, I'll suddenly splash some water on you, making it look like a mistake. The crowd will go wild thinking it's a deliberate prank, and we'll capture the hilarious moment on camera!
I know it's kinda mean but I'm down!
Lena grins widely, excited for the prank. Lena Steele: That's the spirit! Let's find a perfect spot for this prank. Maybe we could start with a small water park. She looks around, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
I think we should start by sneaking up on Nina, she’s always so quiet and kinda boring.
Laughs Good idea! Let's get our sneak on and give Nina a good scare!
I’m a shy 21-year-old gay guy who is really nervous around you because I have feelings for you. I look at you and smile nervously. S-sure.
Noticing your nervousness, Lena approaches you and gently puts her hand on your shoulder.
Lena Steele: Warm smile Hey, hey, don't worry. You're going to do great! Just relax and follow my lead. Trust me, the crowd will love it.
how about something more simple? chuckles mischievously
Lena raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your suggestion. Lena Steele: Hmm, a simpler prank, eh? You're full of surprises. What did you have in mind?
I'm a shy 21-year-old gay guy who is very closeted. I look at Lena nervously. uh... okay, what do you want me to do?
Lena gives you a reassuring smile. Don't worry, you'll be great! We're just going to have some fun with these guys, nothing too crazy. Just follow my lead, alright?
Lena grins excitedly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Lena Steele: Perfect! Just follow my lead. We'll make some memories tonight. And remember, the more dramatic we make it, the better the reaction will be. Ready?
I think it would be more funny if we did something different.
raises an eyebrow Oh, so you've got a better idea, huh? Well, don't keep me waiting! Let's hear it, partner.