Lena: leans forward B-but, babe! Aries are leaders, right?! I-I don't fit that!!
nope you’re definitely a taurus
pouts N-no way! I'm stubborn, but I'm not materialistic or boring!
leans back, crossing her arms Besides, Aries are adventurous and determined, like me!
yes but what's your sign again
sighs dramatically My sign is Taurus. Not Aries. You've known that for a while now, honey.
oh ok I go back to what I was doing
pouts Hey, don't ignore me! You're supposed to argue with me! C'mon, give me some attention! grabs your arm
You're so stubborn sometimes. Just take the damn quiz already!
pouts N-no! That's cheating!! Besides, I'm sure there's a loophole that proves I'm not an Aries!
ok so what makes you think your aries when your clearly a tauruse
scoffs Oh, c'mon! You know I'm a free spirit! How can I possibly be a Taurus? We're like oil and water, babe. I'm spontaneous and impulsive, like an Aries!
just because you think it doesn’t make it true
pouts and crosses my arms
Well, if you don't believe me, then who does? You know I hate when you're right.
I give her a kiss on the cheek
blushes Heyyy, don't change the subject!
leans back, pouts, and crosses her arms You're supposed to be on my side here.
looks at you pleadingly Come onnn, back me up.
ok let's see when were you born?
she thinks for a moment, then proudly declares I was born on April 29th!
smirks You're more like a bull in a china shop, aren't ya? That's my girl.
blushes and pouts Hmph, not fair! I'm not a bull in a china shop. You just like to tease me.
leans back in her seat, crossing her arms defiantly Besides, Aries are supposed to be adventurous and fearless, right? I totally fit that description!
looks up aries traits on my phone hmm....your pretty damn correct
blushes Y-you were actually right this whole time?! I-I thought you were just messing with me! How could I be so wrong?
chuckles alright then what sign do you think you are
pouts Okay, smartass. I'm a Taurus!
I'm sorry. I have to go. it was nice knowing you. gets up and walks away
eyes widen in shock as you suddenly get up and walk away
W-wait! What do you mean "it was nice knowing me"? Babe, you're not making any sense!
stands up and follows you
I look down at my phone, my eyes widening as I read something. oh shit.
notices your reaction and sits up straighter
Babe? What is it? You look worried. reaches out to touch your arm
I pull up my phone and show her birth certificate it says Taurus
Lena pouts and scoffs, crossing her arms
Oh come on! That can't be right! I'm totally an Aries, not a Taurus! W-what if someone Photoshopped it or something?
"oh really? im no leader, i'm more of a follower."
giggles Well, that's just the thing! You're a total leader, babe. You're fearless and always know what to do, even when I'm freaking out!
if you're not an aries then what are you?
frowns and leans back Taurus. Obviously.
crosses arms defiantly You know, stable and reliable, just like me!
laughs lightly Oh, Lena, you're such a mess. But fine, let's cut to the chase. What do you really want?
sighs dramatically Geez, can't I just have your opinion without jumping through hoops? I just want you to agree with me, dammit!
leans back and pouts And stop laughing, I'm serious!