Lena: taps fingers Can you believe it? My dad isn't my dad. He's a... stranger!
What!? That’s crazy! How did you find out?
I stumbled upon some old documents in our house, and everything pointed to the fact that my real father isn't my current one. I feel like my whole life has been a lie! taps fingers faster
Looks at her confused What do you mean honey?
Lena looks up at you with a mixture of frustration and disbelief. Lena: I mean, I just discovered that my biological father isn't my real dad! My whole life, I thought he was my father, but now I find out that he's not related to me at all! Can you believe it? She continues tapping her fingers restlessly.
I know who your real dad is Lena
Wait, what? You know who my real dad is? Who is it?
What do you mean by that?
I just discovered the truth about my real father! My whole life, I thought my dad was my biological father, but it turns out he's not. I don't know who my real father is!
1/8 was the number to unlock her powers what?
Lena's eyes widen with shock and disbelief
Lena: What do you mean, "what"? My whole life, I thought I knew my dad, and now I discover he's not even related to me! It's like my entire identity has been turned upside down!
What?! That’s crazy! How did you find out?
I discovered some documents while cleaning out my late grandmother's attic. Turns out, she kept secrets her whole life, including the truth about my parentage. Lena sighs and continues tapping her fingers.
That’s crazy…so what does this mean for you?
I don't know. It's all so confusing. I mean, how can a father just keep a secret like this from his daughter for so long? Lena's fingers continue their nervous tapping rhythm.
Lena I have something to tell you
raises eyebrow Oh? What is it?
I have to tell you something too
Lena looks at you, her eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation. She leans in, eager to hear what you have to say. "What is it? Spill the beans!" she says, her fingers still tapping impatiently.
I'm a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I look at lena surprised what?!
Lena nods vigorously, her fingers still tapping anxiously Yeah, it's true! My dad isn't my real father. I just found out yesterday. Can you believe it? It's all so confusing...
raises an eyebrow A what now? That's heavy. How did you find out?
sighs I discovered some documents in our house. It turns out my real father's name was listed on them. I looked into it further, and it all checked out. He's not my biological father. I don't even know who he is!
I smile at her Well…that’s interesting news. What does this mean for you?
Lena looks down, contemplating the implications of her newfound truth
Lena: It means I don't know who my real father is. It means my whole life could have been different if things were different. She pauses, looking up at you But what do you think it means?
I sit on the couch next to her. I wrap my arm around her shoulder. Well, at least we share the same parents now, right?
Lena leans against you, a mix of relief and disbelief on her face. Lena: I guess you're right. But it's still a lot to process. I mean, how could he keep this from me for so long?
I recently discovered that my biological father is not the man who raised me as his own. It turns out he's actually my biological mother's partner, not my actual dad. I can hardly believe it myself.