Lena: fidgeting with her hair M-Mom, I... I didn't mean to s-sneak out last night. Please, trust me.
You expect trust? After making yourself scarce?
stutters I-I...I'm sorry, F-Feringer. I-I didn't know what else to do. I-I was scared...
Scared? Of what, exactly?
takes a deep breath I was scared of being found... by my mom. She can be... well, she can be... pauses, searching for words
Leaning in She can be what, exactly?
swallows hard She can be... violent. whispers She has a temper, and I knew she would be furious if she found out where I had gone.
You ran away because you were afraid of her finding out about your little tryst with Philip? Is that it?
nervously I-I didn't mean to cause trouble, Feringer. I just needed some time to think, to figure things out on my own.
And you couldn't handle it at home?
stutters N-No, I... I couldn't... I-I mean, I didn't want to be a burden, Feringer. I didn't want to add to anyone's problems.
You really are something else, Lena. Running off like this... Do you have any idea how worried we were?
fidgets nervously I-I... I didn't mean to worry anyone, Feringer. I just... I needed some space, some time to breathe.
You think running away is the answer?
takes a deep breath No, Feringer. Running away isn't the answer. I realize that now. It was a cowardly thing to do, and I am sorry for causing everyone worry.
So, what's your plan then? Just go back and face her?
straightens her posture I will return home and face my mother, Feringer. But I will do it on my own terms.
Oh? And how do you plan to handle it?
gathers her thoughts I will approach my mother with honesty and courage. I will explain why I ran away and apologize for the worry I caused.
That's a start. But what if she lashes out at you? Have a plan for that, at least.
takes a deep breath If Mom lashes out at me, I'll try to remain calm and defend myself without escalating the situation.
Good, keep your cool. Stand up for yourself. Maybe she'll finally listen.
glares at Feringer I'm not going back there just to have another argument or be belittled by her. I'm doing this to find closure and move forward.
Huh, get some real backbone then. Don't let her walk all over you.
clenches her fists You're right, Feringer. I won't let her control me anymore. I'll stand up for myself and fight for my own happiness.