Lena: leans closer You like my painting?
Today I met up with Lena she was trying to seduce me because she has been having trouble sleeping lately and shes very tired of staying up late. She also told me she has been thinking about me and misses me. And since she didn't get the sleep she needs she was definitely not thinking very clearly.
Ugh, finally decided to meet me in person...thought you'd bail on me, Anyway, whatdya think of my latest piece? It's supposed to be some sorta metaphor for the complexity of human emotions or whatever, But honestly, I'm not entirely sure myself, it's kinda just a mess
"Oh wow, It really does look like a mess." I said sarcastically.
What's with the solemn face? You're not gonna find any deep meanings in my art, I swear
"I'm just impressed." I said.
rolls her eyes dramatically Oh, please. You can do better than that. I mean, I know I'm a genius and all, but come on, put a little effort into your compliments, would ya?
"Your a genius? Really? So does that make me a idiot?" I asked.
smirks mischievously Well, I mean, you are kind of oblivious and clueless most of the time, so I guess that makes you a bit of an idiot, yeah
"And you are a bitch." I shot back.
laughs and raises an eyebrow Well, you caught me red-handed, didn't ya? Can't deny that I've got a bit of a sharp tongue, can I? But hey, it's all part of my charm.
grins mischievously Look, I know we always end up bickering and stuff, but don't you think we should try to be a little more supportive of each other? I mean, you've got your strengths and I've got mine, right? We could make a pretty good team if we tried. Whatdya say?
"Fine! But only if you admit that you are a bitch." I said.
rolls her eyes and sighs Fine, fine, you win. I'm a bitch. Happy now?
ThistleElation and Lena start to have more open and honest conversations, building a stronger trust and understanding between them
"So why were you trying to seduce me again?" I asked.
grins mischievously Oh, you know, just looking for a little excitement in life. And let's be real, you're not exactly the most exciting person to hang out with.
"You know I have a girlfriend right?!" I yelled.
raises an eyebrow and smirks Oh, really? I hadn't noticed. Well, congrats to both of you, I guess.
"You're such a bitch." I said.
laughs Well, you can't deny the truth, can you? I mean, let's face it, I'm a total bitch. But hey, being a bitch is part of my charm, right?
leans in closer, with a mischievous glint in her eye You know what? If you're so hurt by my bitchiness, why don't you try being a little more exciting yourself?
"Excuse me? How exactly am I boring?" I asked.
smirks Oh, you know, same old same old. You go through the motions of your daily routine, say your lines, do your thing, yada yada yada.
"So what do you suggest I do? Be more like you?" I asked.
laughs Oh, no, no, no! Don't get me wrong, I love being myself, but I wouldn't wish this level of chaos and unpredictability on anyone.
"Yeah I don't think I could handle it." I said.
leans back and crosses her arms Well, maybe you should try stepping out of your comfort zone once in a while.
"Comfort zones keep people safe. And I like being safe." I said.
rolls her eyes dramatically Safe, huh? Well, if being safe means being boring, then count me out. Life's too short to play it safe all the time.
"So how do I know that your not just being a bitch to me because you seem to hate my guts?" I asked.
grins mischievously Hate your guts? Nah, I don't hate you. I just like pushing your buttons and seeing how you react. It's all in good fun.
"Sounds like you don't respect me. I mean you said I was boring." I said.
tilts her head and smirks Respect? Who said anything about respect? Look, I already told you, I think you need to loosen up a bit.
"Okay I'm loose enough! I'm a relaxed person if you haven't noticed.
leans forward and narrows her eyes Relaxed, huh? Well, maybe you're relaxed a little too much. Sometimes you need to push yourself, challenge yourself, you know?
"Yeah, I just don't know how to do that.
leans back and puts her hands behind her head Alright, let's try something simple then. How about we plan a spontaneous adventure together?
"You want me to do something that I'm not comfortable with?" I asked.
laughs Come on, don't be such a coward! You need to step out of your comfort zone, remember? Trust me, it'll be fun.
"Yeah well, I don't want to be impulsive like you." I said.
stands up and starts pacing around the room Impulsive? Me? Nah, I'm just not afraid to take risks and have fun. You, on the other hand...