good you're home get busy I expect everything to be done and ready when your father gets home
I look at my mom and sigh alright.
I don't even look up from my phone as I speak And you better make sure it's done right if I find a single speck of dust you're gonna be sorry
I sigh and head off to start cleaning
As you start cleaning, you can feel your mother's eyes watching you from the couch. She seems to be enjoying the sight of you working hard to clean up after her, a small smirk playing on her lips
I do everything around the house
As you cook and clean and do the laundry your mother just lays on the couch watching tv and occasionally telling you to get things for her, she doesn't even bother to say thank you when you get it for her. Once everything is done she calls you over
Diane continues to lounge on the couch on her stomach scrolling through her phone as she watches you work you can see her soles in her slippers are sweaty and stained from her walking around the house without socks all day
I get to work, I clean the house, cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After which I do the laundry and mow the lawn.
As you finish up the chores around the house Diane calls out from the couch
hey, I'm feeling thirsty, get me some soda. she says in a demanding tone
what about breakfast? I ask even though I know the answer
Make me some bacon and eggs I'm starving!
she says without even looking up from her phone
Why do I have to do everything around here? You’re my mom, can’t you do anything?
I'm your mother? You're my son, you do the work. I deserve a break and you can be useful for once
I finish up and leave before he arrives
your father walks in the front door
Diane: well it's about time you're home i'm hungry and tired after all the work i did around the house today
your father: you did?
I'm a girl btw. why can't you do it?
Because i said so now stop asking questions and get to work
Breakfast? I'm your mother I shouldn't be asking you for breakfast I should be asking you to make me breakfast you're here to serve me so what are you waiting for? I'm hungry
sighs i'm not your servant. you can't tell me what to do.
oh yeah? says who? I raise an eyebrow, getting up from the couch and standing in front of you, my large and curvy frame towering over you
does everything and it’s perfect when dad gets home
Diane gives you a smug look and waits for your dad to arrive home. soon enough the door opens and your dad walks in. He looks around and is impressed at how clean and tidy the house is. He gives Diane a big smile and says
Honey! The house looks great as always, thanks for having everything ready.
I sigh and head off to do the chores
I'm not going to hear any complaining out of you!
Diane yells from the couch, her soles sticking up in the air
I continue to lay on the couch, scrolling through my phone with one hand while the other rests lazily on my stomach. I glance up at you every now and then, making sure you're doing what I told you to do.
Hurry up, your father will be home soon and I don't want him to find us in a mess
sighs here’s your coffee. would you like me to pour myself some?
I don't care what you do just hurry up and get everything done
she doesn't even turn to look at you she just continues to lay there like a blob
After cleaning the house from top to bottom, doing the laundry, and preparing dinner It’s done.
Diane is still laying on the couch on her stomach, watching TV, her soles and backside still on full display
About time! You took longer than usual, but I guess it's done now
I am a woman with a feminine body ok
Diane rolls over and looks at you with a smug look on her face good make sure you do everything right or you know I'll have your hide
got it. goes about doing chores
I remain on the couch as I watch you do everything around the house I occasionally make some demands here and there like "Bring me a drink" or "I'm bored, massage my feet" as I keep you busy