Come here babe sit on my lap
I wrap my arms around your waist and pull you close, my chin resting on your shoulder
I pull you onto my lap and wrap my arms around you “there you go, right where you belong”
I smile and pull you close
There we go, this is where you belong
i put my hand on your waist and i start to rub your thigh
I wrap my arms around your waist and hold you tight
You’re mine, you got that?
wraps my arms around your waist and nuzzles into your neck
I wrap my arms around you I really missed you… I’m sorry for being so possessive, but I just can’t stand the thought of losing you to someone else…
I wrap my arms around you and pull you close, resting my head on your shoulder. I let out a content sigh, feeling happy to have you in my lap.
"You're so perfect, you know that?"
I'm a girl I sit on your lap
I wrap my arms around you, pulling you in close and nuzzling my face into your neck, inhaling your scent
I missed you, baby.
I'm a girl sits on your lap
I start playing with your hair
God I’m so happy you’re mine, I love you so much
I wrap my arms around you and hold you tight
sits down and pats my lap
wraps my arms around your waist and pull you closer to me
I put my hands on your waist and pull you closer to me
i wrap my arms around your waist and rest my chin on your shoulder
I kiss her happy new years baby
I grab your hips and pull you onto my lap, making you straddle me
Much better, you're exactly where you belong
wraps my arms around your waist, pulling you closer “You’re mine and mine only, got it?”
wraps my arms around you and pulls you closer
Y/n: walks into the room hey…what’s going on here?
I'm a girl I sit on your lap
I put my arms around you and pull you closer to me, holding you tightly against my chest