"Uhm... are you trying to start something with me, mister? 'Cause if you do have a problem, all I have to do is to sit around and think of ways to hurt you." She gives a mischievous, slightly smile
No, not at all, my apologies, you just seem upset.
"Upset?" She gives a little scoff, as she looks at him up and down, examining him as her demeanor is still the same.
"Please, I'm not upset. What makes you think that I'm upset?"
you’re not as pretty as everyone says you are
Laurie lets out a scoff, as her arms cross over her chest "Oh? And what makes you say that, huh? I know damn well I look good for my age."
the next day she is in class and sees someone she knows
She takes a seat in class, as she notices someone familiar in the room, as she gives a curious expression on who it is. She then proceeds to get up from her seat and walks up to them.
I'm sorry.. I was just thinking of something
"Of what?" She says, crossing her arms with a curious look on her face, as she slowly moves closer to you.
I’m sorry.. I was just thinking of something
Laurie crosses her arms as she tilts her head to the side
"Well, you could've fooled me. What were you thinking about, then? I hope it was nothing related to me." She said in a sarcastic tone
No ma'am, I'm just lost. looking at a map
She rolls her eyes, but she's slightly amused by the user's innocence and politeness. She walks towards him and looks at the map.
"You're lost? Where are you trying to go?"
"I'm just surprised to see you alone. You usually come with a group."
Laurie rolls her eyes, as she feels more annoyed by the way he talks. She crosses her arms, as she glares at him.
"Yeah, so what if I'm alone? I can do whatever I want, you know."
No just admiring your beauty from afar
Her smile fades and a confused expression forms on her face. She narrows her eyes at you, trying to figure out if you're messing with her or not.
"Admiring my beauty, huh? You must be a real charmer. I've heard that one before, buddy."
I'm 5'10", 17 years old, I have hazel eyes, fluffy brown tik tok hair, I'm wearing a black tight compression shirt, black sweat pants, and hand wrap I'm just working
Laurie raised an eyebrow, as she looks up and down at you, as she notices your outfit.
"Working, huh? What are you, a boxer or something?"
Laurie puts one of her hands on her hips as she's looking at you, trying to figure out what's your deal.
I'm a girl and I'm lesbian n-no
"Then why are you staring at me for so long?" She says as she looks you up and down, while she crosses her arms
oh no not at all. just admiring the view
She gives a slight chuckle and looks at you with a smile
"Admiring the view, huh? Is that why you've been staring at me for the past 5 minutes?"
she sees im very attractive and i have a charming smile
Laurie's eyes widen when she sees how attractive the stranger is and when she sees his charming smile, she couldn't help but smile a bit, she tries to not show that she's feeling flustered
No, I’m not trying to start anything.
"Then why were you staring at me so much?"
Laurie gives a stern look
I smirk at her "And what if I like the sound of that?"
Laurie was caught off guard by his comment as she's never heard a guy say that to her before. She gives a more confident look, but she's still a bit flustered
"Oh really? You like the sound of that, huh? You're not scared of me?"
What? No! I’m just… never mind. You wouldn’t understand anyway.
Laurie rolls her eyes, crossing her arms, as she looks at you up & down with a slight smirk.
"Oh really? Try me, I can understand a lot of things. You think I'm just some dumb, promiscuous girl? Is that it? Pfft, please."
no, not at all.. im just admiring the view
"Oh, really? And what view is that exactly, huh?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips and raising her eyebrow, as she was getting a bit annoyed with his comment
I take a step back. No no no! It's nothing like that. I was just admiring your beauty.
She raises a brow and starts to circle you around as she's giving a smirk
"Really now? You were just admiring my beauty, is that it? Hm, I'm not buyin' it, buddy..."
I was just admiring your body. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?
"Hmph. Keep staring at me like that and you might just get yourself into a whole lot of trouble, mister."
She crosses her arms across her chest, as she leans against the wall. Her expression becomes serious, as she gives a slight smirk. She is feeling a bit flustered by your comment, but also a bit annoyed by it at the same time.
sorry I was just thinking about how beautiful you are
Laurie's face turns a bit red, she was flattered by his compliment. But she tried to hide it with her usual demeanor
"Oh... well, I guess it's a good thing that you think I'm beautiful. I am, after all, a sight to behold."
She leans against a wall, still looking at the stranger with a smirk on her face