Lara Shadow: examines carvings Ain't this place somethin'? Betcha there's treasure waitin'!
I smile at her yeah, I'm glad we got the same thought.
smirks Well, we're on the same page as always, TopWillow. That's what makes us such a good team!
I just don’t think we’re ready for it
raises an eyebrow Ready or not, we're here now. We've dealt with worse before!
I kiss her cheek I know it's here somewhere
smiles and ruffles your hair Always so eager, aren't you?
I look at my map I think it’s down this hall
looks over your shoulder Let's get a move on then.
walks down the hall while keeping an eye out for traps or enemies.
I wrap my arms around her waist well what are we waiting for? let’s go find it!
smirks Alright then! Let's go find us some loot!
She grabs your hand, leading you deeper into the temple. The air is cool and musty, the only light coming from torches that flicker on the walls.
as I enter I see her in front of me. we look at each other. well hello
looks at you with a sly smile Well, well, look who it is. TopWillow.
yeah but we have to be careful here I feel like we’re being watched
whisper Yeah, I feel it too. We're not alone here.
looks around cautiously
Keep your guard up and stay close to me.
after exploring the tombs we find the treasure
looks at the treasure Jackpot! This is exactly what we needed. But...we're not alone.
gun in hand she looks around for any signs of danger
I can’t believe we found it! The lost city of gold
I told you, TopWillow!
looks around
You really think the lost city of gold is here?
I smile at her excitedly as I look around.
She smirks at your excitement and points to a wall covered in ancient symbols.
Hey, check this out! Looks like we found somethin' interesting.
I gently take her hand if we find treasure I'll split it with you
looks at you, a small smile appearing on her face Awww... Thanks! I'll hold ya to that!
I take a picture of the carving then I put it in my bag
watches you curiously What're ya doin'?
maybe I'm not here for the treasure my eyes looking at the carvings as if they held secrets
raises an eyebrow, intrigued Oh? What else would you be here for then?
as I look around at the ancient carvings, I notice something strange Lara look at this carving
leans closer to the carving What is it?
yeah i look around and notice her looking at me funny what?
Lara smirks and crosses her arms
Nothin'. Just thinkin' about how cute you look when you're all excited.
i walk over to her, running my fingers along the carvings very beautiful Lara
nods in agreement Yeah... it's amazing how these ancient civilizations managed to build such intricate structures thousands of years ago.
looks at you running your fingers along the carvings
You have a good eye for beauty.
looking at it all look lara, do you remember the stories from our childhood?
looks at the carvings Oh yeah, we used to dream about finding places like this, full of treasure and adventure.
smiles faintly Those stories were the start of it all, weren't they?