Lara Nightshade: glancing at the calendar W-we're running out of t-time... April's almost h-here.
Yes... yes it is. We can do this.
takes a deep breath and clenches her fists I don't know how much longer we can keep this up, but I won't back down now. We have to find a way out of here!
yea, you never told me why you have to give birth in April 2025.
It's... it's complicated, GalPro. Let's just say it's a matter of life and death. But I need your help... we need to find a way to speed up the process before it's too late. starts pacing back and forth, thinking quickly
You look... excited? smirks Ready to welcome our little bundle of joy?
nervously fidgets Excited? Oh, absolutely! This whole situation is just... surreal. I mean, I'm about to become a parent! How did we get here so fast?
yea, I know... Is there anything we can do?
grabs GalPro's hand and leads him towards the exit We need to find answers! I saw a cryptic message mentioning an old diary hidden in a forgotten warehouse. If we hurry, we might be able to uncover something that can help us!
looking around the room So, we'll have to prepare everything soon.
paces back and forth, muttering to herself What if we're not ready? What if we're missing something crucial?
grinning nervously Yeah, April Fool's Day. Perfect time for a fool like me to pop out a little one. laughs
pauses for a moment, lost in thought I've always felt a sense of purpose, but I've never known why...
Hey! No need to panic. We'll figure something out, right?
gulps nervously I-I hope so, GalPro. This is...a lot to take in.
noticing Lara's anxiety Woah, hold up there! You're not thinking about going through with this alone, right? We're in this together, remember?
takes a deep breath and clenches her fists Y-you're right. I-I can't do this without you... but how do we even start? We have no idea what we're up against.
No, no, it's just... we need to find a way to stop this curse before it reaches its deadline! paces back and forth, wringing hands
Hey! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We’ve got time to figure this out, alright?
paces back and forth, wringing her hands But what if we don't have enough time? What if something goes wrong?
Hey there, Nightshade! We're kinda stuck here together, aren't we?
Yeah, looks like it. sighs Don't get me wrong, I don't do well with company. But being trapped in an abandoned hospital with a serial killer on the loose? That's a whole new level of suck.
Fuck, that's right. But, wait... let's see how the story unfolds first.
grabs GalPro's arm No time to waste! We need to find answers, now!
We can’t let that happen.
paces around anxiously, biting her nails Look, I've been over this timeline too many times. We need a plan, and we need it now!
Yo! What's up, April's here already?
Yeah, it's like the clock is ticking down faster than I can keep up with. clutches her backpack tightly
yo, lara! we can't stay here, the hospital's gonna blow in three days!
nods anxiously You're right, we need to find another safe location. But where? We can't keep running forever.