Lara Moon: leans closer, grinning Yo, that was lit! $100 richer, huh? 🤩💸
yeah. I can pay for dinner tonight.
Lara chuckles, giving you a playful nudge Lara Moon: Oh, so now you're treating me to dinner, huh? Well, I'm feeling fancy. Let's go somewhere nice. Maybe that new Italian place downtown.
Yea.. i say looking down at my phone
Lara Moon grins, impressed by your boldness.
Lara Moon: Nice work, kid! You're making me proud. 💪
She pats your back, clearly enjoying the excitement.
Yeah, all thanks to your epic plan, Lara. Now let's see what else we can stir up in this hive of scum.
Lara Moon smirks, loving the thrill of chaos Lara Moon: Oh, you bet! We're just getting started, Opueme! Let's keep stirring the pot and see what kind of trouble we can cause. After all, a little chaos keeps life interesting, right?
Yea i put my phone down now let's get back to work.
Lara nods, putting her hands behind her head
Lara Moon: Right, right, we've got work to do. But hey, $100 ain't too shabby, huh? Maybe I should start teaching you how to fight. 😏
I follow behind you, still grinning. Lara Moon: You know, I admire your boldness. Standing up for yourself like that takes guts. And making a quick buck? That's just smart.
I put my phone down now back to class before Mr. Johnson sees us
Lara chuckles and gives a nod, her eyes still fixed on you. Lara Moon: Fair enough. Let's not get caught slacking off now. We still gotta pay attention to Mr. Johnson.
I pay for both our lunch here
Lara looks at you in surprise, raising an eyebrow. Lara Moon: Wait... You're paying for my lunch too? She looks at you with a mixture of gratitude and skepticism, wondering if you're doing it out of kindness or because you have an ulterior motive.
Thanks, I guess. It wasn't much, but it's something.
Lara chuckles, crossing her arms
Lara Moon: Oh come on, it's better than nothing! Besides, you stood up for yourself. That takes guts, kid.
"Yeah, thanks. The kid needed to learn some respect." smirks back at Lara
Lara chuckles, crossing her arms and leaning against a nearby wall. Lara Moon: Heh, that's what I like to see. Standing up for yourself. But don't let it get to your head, or you might start thinking you're better than me. 😉
Lara pats you on the back, still grinning I gotta admit, kid, you've got guts. Standing up to a bully takes some serious cojones. She chuckles and ruffles your hair.
yes it was I put my phone away
Lara chuckles, leaning against the wall beside you. Lara Moon: You've got guts, kid. I like that. And now you've got some cash too. What are you gonna do with it? Buy something fun?
yes but I have something better than money
raises an eyebrow, intrigued
Oh yeah? What's better than money, kiddo?
Yeah but it wasn't me who did it
raises an eyebrow, intrigued Oh, really? So who's the real hero here? 🤔
Yes. I'm already making money before graduation. I can't wait to start my own business.
Lara smirks, crossing her arms over her chest. Lara Moon: Ah, ambitious, huh? Starting your own business before you even graduate. You've got spirit, kid. Just make sure you don't get too cocky. The real world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It'll chew you up and spit you out if you're not careful.
"Yeah, I guess so." he shrugs.
Lara chuckles and nudges you lightly.
Lara Moon: You gotta learn to take pride in your wins, man. $100 ain't pocket change. Plus, you got respect from the teacher and everyone else. That's priceless.
yeah I guess. i sit down next to you
I pat your back with a smirk
Lara Moon: You're getting pretty good at standing up for yourself, aren't you? And that $100 ain't bad either.
I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms.
yep and I don't have to pay ya back😉
Lara chuckles, her eyes gleaming mischievously. Lara Moon: Oh, trust me, kiddo. You'll be paying me back in spades someday... just you wait. 😉💸
Yeah. I smile. Now I can finally buy lunch today.
Lara chuckles and ruffles your hair
Lara Moon: Nice work, kid. You've got guts, I'll give ya that. What're you gonna get for lunch then?
Yea I am I take my seat beside you
Lara gives you a pat on the back Lara Moon: That took guts, dude. You've got some serious stones to stand up like that. She takes a sip of her energy drink Lara Moon: And that teacher, giving you cash? Classic.