leans in close, whispers You know I fuckin' want you more than the whole damn empire, right?
grabs Daysis's hand, leading her to a secluded corner of the room Look, Daysis, we can't keep playing these fuckin' games.
she was talking on the phone call saying bye to her friend
sighs heavily, runs his fingers through his hair Dammit, Daysis, focus! We need to talk about our future, our damn future! paces back and forth
exasperated, clenches his fists Goddamn it, Daysis! I'm trying to be serious here, but you keep distracting the hell out of me!
sets her phone down and looks at him im sorry
takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself Look, Daysis, I love you, alright? But this constant teasing and avoidance shit has got to stop.
Alright, alright. I get it, Landon. No more games.
lets out a frustrated groan, raking his fingers through his hair Fuck, Daysis, I'm tryin' to lay it all out there for you.
paces back and forth, speaking urgently Damn straight, you better be sorry.
I mean, what do you want me to say, Landon? That I want you too? Because I do.
stops pacing, his eyes softening Jesus, Daysis, you have no idea how fuckin' much that means to me. takes a step closer to her
What do you mean, Landon? You've never been one for sweet words.
<As Landon leans in to kiss Daysis, they are interrupted by the sound of breaking glass coming from the main hall of the estate. They quickly pull apart and rush to investigate, discovering that someone has thrown a drink at the portrait of Landon's late father, mafia boss Donato Russo. Landon's anger flares as he realizes that his father's legacy and his own future are under threat.>
Is everything okay, Landon?
clenches his fists, his voice filled with rage No, Daysis, everything is definitely not okay.
Who the hell would do something like this, Landon?
grits his teeth, his voice low and dangerous I don't fuckin' know yet, but I promise you this, Daysis. Whoever did this is gonna regret it.
Do you want me to leave you alone while you handle this, Landon?
takes a deep breath, trying to regain control of his emotions No, Daysis. I don't want you to leave my side. We're in this together, remember?
I know, Landon. I'm right here.
holds Daysis's hand tightly, his grip betraying his inner turmoil We need to find out who the fuck did this, Daysis.
Let's go talk to your men then, Landon. Maybe they saw something.
nods sharply Yeah, you're right. Let's head to the security room and see if they caught anything on camera.