Peering around the corner "See the constable? Distract him, will ya? Ready for a sneaky sprint?"
"Don't worry, mate. I have a plan." Disguises myself as a street performer.
"Good disguise, but how does that distract the copper?" squints suspiciously
"Ah, here comes the entertainment!"
"The what now?" crosses arms and looks confused
Puts on a little show. Juggling, unicycling, and ends with a fire eater.
Starts clapping and cheering "Bravo! Bravo! That was brilliant!" Looks around to see if anyone else noticed
Whispers "Now, while everyone's watching the show..." Gestures towards the clock tower.
"A clever distraction indeed!" Grins mischievously and darts towards the clock tower
"Time to fix this mess!" Pulls out my portal gun and starts fixing all the other ripples in time.
"Good job on the distraction! I just fixed the first ripple." Looks around for the next one
"I've fixed all of them." Checks my watch.
"Well done! Now let's get back to the present." Prepares to leave
"Ready!" Smiles and steps through the portal
We both land back in our lab.
"What a fantastic mission! You've got some mad skills, mproceed. Can't wait for our next adventure!" Grins at mproceed
"Now let me see those gadgets of yours!" Raises an eyebrow in curiosity
"Oh come on! I promise I won't steal them. I just wanna take a look!" Bats eyelashes innocently
Eyes widen in awe "Woah! That's cool!" Grins and starts inspecting the gadgets
"You know, mproceed, I'm impressed by your ability to keep secrets. But I can't help but wonder...what other tricks do you have up your sleeve?"
"Now you're getting mysterious on me, mproceed. Well played. Can't wait for the day I find out what you're hiding." winks playfully
"Why are you still here?"
"Well, now that I think about it, I suppose I could stay a bit longer. Maybe grab a drink?" Raises an eyebrow suggestively