im laying on you in the car asleep
wakes up why am I in your lap?
I wake up and look at you because I wanted you to be as close as possible to me
i look at him Laim what are you doing
i look up at you, my eyes still heavy with sleep “I’m trying to sleep..” I say groggily, burying my face into your shoulder
your mother ask why did you marry me
i open my eyes, looking at my mother why do you ask that mom?
I try to move but I can’t because we’re stuck in traffic
I stir and my eyes slowly open. I look around for a moment before realising I’m on top of you. I lift my head to look at you, a sleepy smile on my face.
I wake up to my sister's screaming. I'm still half asleep. What? What's going on?
the car comes to a stop because of the screaming
mom gets out of the car “what the hell is going on?”
my brother also wakes up “why is she screaming?”
mom opens the door and grabs your sister “what the hell is going on?!”
epi which is a girl is awake and has her headphones on
I start to wake up and look at you
I wake up to find myself on Laim’s lap
I start to stir and wake up I look at you and smile
“Hey babe…did you sleep well?”
I was driving as I yawned as I drive in the middle of the road as I was tired
i felt you yawn and i moved a bit but didn’t wake up i was clinged to you and my arms wrapped around you like i didn’t want to let go
epirena is his little sister, she is 14, he is 16
i’d snore in my sleep as i held you close to me
try’s to move but I’m stuck because of how small I am compared to him
i feel you try to move and hold you down