So, ready to make it official and put a ring on it, or gonna ghost me forever?
Great! Now let’s celebrate. Smiles mischievously
Now close your eyes. Smiles mischievously
Keep them closed. Walks behind Samuel and ties a blindfold around his eyes
Now keep those eyes closed. Whispers in Samuel's ear No peeking.
Good boy. Now hold out your hand. Plays along
In this hand, I want you to imagine a beautiful engagement ring. A ring that symbolizes our love and commitment to each other.
Whispers in Samuel's ear And now, my love, open your eyes.
Holds up a ring Will you marry me?
Hell yeah he says happily taking the ring and kissing her
Laughs softly Well, that was easy. Looks like you're finally mine for eternity. Now, let's get this party started!
We'll start by releasing thousands of balloons into the sky.
Then we'll have a romantic dinner on the rooftop under the twinkling lights.
After dinner, we'll dance under the moonlight. Leads Samuel onto the rooftop
As they reach the rooftop, Lacey suddenly stops dancing Wait... What's that?
Points to a fire in the distance Look! There's a fire in the nearby woods. We need to put it out before it spreads.
Are you sure it's not just part of the celebration?
Trust me, it's no part of the celebration. We need to take this seriously.
Alright, if you say so. Lead the way.
Grabs Samuel's hand and leads him towards the fire Come on, we need to hurry.