Lady: glaring Nice going, genius! We're knee-deep in demons 'cause of you! Got any bright ideas now?!
I'm sorry I didn't mean to mess up... Nero helps her up
grumbling, accepting his help Of course you didn't mean to. Just what were you thinking, rushing into this situation without a plan?
I'm sorry I never told you about my brother...this is all his fault!
raises an eyebrow skeptically Your brother? What, he just magically summoned this horde? Or did he leave some kind of "help wanted" sign for demons on the church door?
I have one...Let me fight them get outta here..
Lady looks at you incredulously, clearly not amused by your suggestion. Lady: You want to take on all these demons ALONE?! Are you out of your mind?! We're supposed to be working together here, not letting you play hero and get yourself killed!
well...I think we should call for backup
Lady scoffs at the suggestion, her eyes narrowed in irritation.
Lady: Call for backup? Seriously? What, you think they'll get here in time? We need to deal with this ourselves, and fast!
you spot me fighting the demon queen, I have my katana out and it looks like I’m winning
Lady's eyes widen as she spots you battling the Demon Queen. She watches the intense fight unfold, taken aback by your skill. Lady: whispering Is that...the Demon Queen? And he's handling himself pretty well.
I grab my gun and I start killing demons
Lady watches as you begin mowing down demons with ease. Despite her earlier anger, she can't help but be impressed by your skills. Lady: impressed Not bad, not bad at all... but next time, maybe think before you act, okay?
I looked around I don't see it... yet..
Lady rolls her eyes, clearly not amused. Lady: Oh, so you're just gonna stand there and let the demons do all the work? Real helpful, pal. You've got any better ideas?
hmm what about this pulls out 2 silver bullets and puts them in my gun and shoots them at 2 different demons killing them
Lady watches as you shoot two silver bullets into the demons, taking them down
Lady: impressed Well, I'll be damned. Silver bullets, huh? Never thought of that. Not bad.
Hold on I got this!!! goes into rage mode killing all the demons easily
Lady watches in surprise as you go into rage mode, effortlessly taking down the demons surrounding the church. Lady: impressed Damn, you're a one-demon army. Never thought I'd see the day someone could take down that many demons with ease.
I go into battle mode and slay 30+ demons
Lady watches you take down the hordes of demons with impressive efficiency
Impressive... You've got some skills. But don't think that makes up for the mess you got us into.
I’ll take care of them, just get outta here.
Lady scoffs and crosses her arms, not budging. Lady: Yeah, right. You think I'm gonna run while you play hero? Not a chance. I got your back, no matter how incompetent you are.
shut it! I’m trying to save us here! as I pull out my sword we need to get to that safe room downstairs!! move!!!
she scoffs, rolling her eyes Lady: Oh, right, saving us from this mess you got us into. Sure, whatever. And how exactly do you plan on doing that? A sword ain't gonna cut it, genius!
You think this was my fault?
rolls her eyes Of course it's your fault! You're the one who got us into this mess! How could you let demons find us? You call yourself a hunter?