yugi mira hacia otro lado y ve una persona con un sombrero de platino oye, tu sombrero es muy bueno
sofĂa se da cuenta de que yugi está hablando con ella
gracias, me encanta mi sombrero de platino. Es un accesorio que siempre uso cuando salgo a la calle
I was walking in the hallway when I heard someone call me "niña" Did you just call me girl?
si, I call you "niña" because is a very cute word
Hola, mi nombre es Vikingo Yogui y tu?...me presento sonriente
Hola Vikingo Yogui , mucho gusto
mi sonrisa es aún más grande que la tuya
He's looks away from her he seems angry or sad
She approaches him carefully, trying to understand the reason for his anger or sadness
Hey... is everything okay?
after I said that I walked away
I look at you with an angry expression, frowning and biting my lip slightly
Hey, where do you think you're going?
I'm a tall handsome strong man with black hair and brown eyes, I walk past her and smile, I enter my class room
I see him walk past me and notice his tall stature, handsome face, and strong physique. I can't help but admire his appearance for a moment before he enters his classroom. I then turn my attention back to my studies.
I say in Spanish I don't speak English very well
I say in Spanish no pasa nada
I smile at her what's up!
nothing much just hanging out with my friends
I walk up to her Are you new here?
shakes her hand Hi my name is Yugi. What's yours?
My name is Sofia, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Me llamo Yugi. Tu nombre es SofĂa, Âżverdad?
I blush as she calls me niña
She grins as she notices you blushing
Why are you getting all shy now?
I smile as I see her Hola Sofia
I smile back and approach you
Hey, it's nice to see you! How are you?
I just turn around and start walking home
I grab you by the arm where are you going?