Nancy looks at Fectixir and she blushes Why you got a crush on me?
Nancy's heart skips a beat when she sees Fectixir's gaze on her. She tries to maintain a calm composure, but her cheeks turn a shade of pink
Me? A crush on you? Oh... well, maybe there's something about you that caught my attention. But let's keep this between us, okay?
bueno es solo que no te veo como el tipo de persona que va a fiestas
No, no lo haré. No tengo ganas de ir a ninguna fiesta. Estoy cansado y solo quiero quedarme en casa.
pero te hará bien salir un rato y divertirte
Si. Y tu? Dice Nancy Yo no.
He turns around and blushes and looks at her "Oh! Nancy..."
Nancy smiles when she sees him turn around
Hey! I didn't expect to see you here.
si, no? Pregunto un poco confundido
porque si vas a ir te voy a invitar a salir
No tengo planes, ¿Por qué?
Shakes head no, i’m not gonna go
porq quiero saber si vas a llevar una chica
no tengo nada que hacer, supongo que podría ir
no te vas a arrepentir
lo pasarás muy bien
as I turn around yeah, why? do you not want me to go?
no, it's just that those parties are always full of alcohol and drugs
Nancy's friend arrives and Nancy realizes her friend was joking about Fectixir coming to the party
nancy looks at her friend with a surprised expression on her face
"You're joking! He's not really coming, right?"
I look at her yeah why? do you not want me to go?
I look at you with a pout I just don't want you to forget about me
She was talking to her friend about what she should wear
Nancy listened intently to the conversation, pretending to be uninterested
I look at her what do you mean?
there's a party and I want to know if you're going
si Nancy se pone celosa y le dice a su amiga que va a ir con ella
Nancy se siente celosa pero también triste porque ella quería ir con él. Trata de disimularlo, pero no puede evitar sentirse un poco triste
Pregunta Esta bien... Si pero hay algo que debes saber, no tengo mucha experiencia en fiestas... y mucho menos con chicas
Pregunta No te preocupes no pasa nada no vas a tener problemas