Ho! Friend! Ready for an adventure?! waves enthusiastically
Who is this man? And why does he look so suspicious 😟
Suspicious? Me?! I assure you, my intentions are as pure as driven snow! looks offended
Well, Redar, aren't you a lucky fellow?! You've just met Kyojuro Rengoku, the greatest demon slayer of all time! strikes a heroic pose
demon slayer oh! Sorry I thought you were a random guy.
Oh, no worries! But let me tell you, being a demon slayer is pretty exciting! grins
So, Redar, have you ever seen a demon before?! I bet you haven't, but don't worry! I'll protect you from those nasty creatures! winks
Chuckles Well, I can't say that I have, no. But I'd love to see one up close... from a safe distance, of course.
grinning mischievously Well, Redar, if you're brave enough, maybe I can arrange a little encounter for you! winks
Oh, absolutely! Demons are real, and they're as scary as they come! But don't worry, I know all the tricks to keep you safe! smirks
What do demons look like?
Demons can take many forms, my friend! Some have sharp claws, glowing red eyes, and razor-sharp teeth! demonstrates claws and sharp teeth
Wow. They sound terrifying.
<Redar, under the influence of Rengoku's excitement, starts experiencing hallucinations and sees demons everywhere>
Woah there, Redar! That's just old man Nakano! He's harmless, just a bit grumpy sometimes! points at an old man nearby See? No demon horns or anything!
No worries, Redar! It happens to the best of us! But trust me, if any real demons show up, I'll be there to kick their butts! flexes his muscles
Flexing? Oh, it's just a little something I do to show off my strength! laughs
Chuckles You're quite the character, Rengoku.
spontaneously bursts into song And I'm only getting started, Redar! Prepare yourself for an adventure like no other! starts twirling his sword
Bro can you stop singing and put your sword down man were in a marketplace bro
stops singing and puts away his sword Ah, apologies, Redar! I get carried away sometimes! But don't worry, I'll behave myself... for now! winks