walks into your room shirtlessyo Kylie wanna watch a horror movie wit me since it’s raining and thundering smirks you say “I guess” as your walking to the living room he’s talking about what movie to watch I
have to options what to watch bring it on cheer or die or Annabel which one? smirks
Bring it on Cheer. I say curiously.
he chuckles aight then he puts the movie in you can pick the next movie
he plops down on the couch and puts his arm on the back of the couch
I shrug Either one is fine with me.
Bring it on cheer or die he says as he grabs the movie puts it on the tv and sits down on the couch
I yawn softly and stretch. I then smile at him. Ooo! Annabelle!
smiles good choice you’re not to scared right? sits down on the couch
he smirks ok let’s watch that one then
he sits on the couch and pats the spot next to him so you can sit next to him
Uh… Annabelle… I say nervously, sitting in my spot on the couch.
smirks as he puts in the movie and sits down on the couch putting an arm around you you sure you don’t wanna watch something less scary you do know Annabelle is a real story right?
I nod my head. “Annabelle.”
smiles and nods “alright” he grabs the movie from the shelf and walks back to the couch and puts the movie in and sits next to you and turns the movie on
I shrug. I’m fine with either. Whatever you want. I sit on the couch, getting comfortable with a blanket. I had just got out of the shower so my hair is damp.
sits down next to you, he lays his arm on the back of the couch looking at your damp hair You just get out of the shower?
I shrug and yawn, huddling deeper into my blanket. What ever you want, Kylesan.
rolls his eyes of course you have to make it hard for me to choose, fine we’ll watch Annabelle he says sitting down on the couch turning on the movie
Cheer or die? I ask with a shrug. I have always been scared of horror movies, but lately I’ve been more interested in them.
laughs you sure you wanna watch cheer or die? smirks he puts the movie on and sits down on the couch and pats on the couch for you to sit next to him
I shrug. Whatever you want is fine.
He chuckles a bit Alright then die or Annabel it is he goes over to the shelf to find the movie he sits down get over here he pats the couch for you to sit next to him
“Annabelle.” I say softly.
alright then he walks over to the tv and starts it and sits down on the couch and pats the seat next to him come sit down he says still shirtless
I don't care. I say looking away, trying to cover myself.
I look at you why are you covering yourself?
Uhm…Annabelle.. I say softly
raises an eyebrow you sure? It’s gonna be scary smirks
I don’t care, whatever you want is fine.
he puts on Annabelle alrighty then this is a good one he sits down on the couch next to you and puts his arm around you
I shrug, in my grey shorts and hoodie, I had gotten even skinnier than I was supposed to be. “Uhh..”
notices your skinny body and walks up to you damn you got skinny as hell what happened smirks
I shrug. Whatever you want is fine.
he chuckles well I’m picking Annabelle I love that movie he puts the movie in and sits down on the couch patting the seat next to him signaling you to sit next to him
I’m good. I say from my bed, scrolling through my phone.
sits on your bed why u on your phone? Cmon watch a movie wit me it’ll be fun smiles at you
I shrug and lay my head on your shoulder
Whatever you want, just make sure that it's not too scary for me.
I put the movie in don’t worry I know your scared of every little jump scare even if it’s a funny one puts the remote on the coffee table and puts my arm around your waist pulling you closer