This place is cool, I guess…how many bullshit rules you going to try to force on me?
umm well no rules just clean after yourself and keep your room clean
That’s it? No curfew, no limits on phone time, I can do whatever I want with whoever I want?
I’m a beautiful tan girl with long loose curls and hazel eyes and freckles and a desirable body I’m wearing shorts and a crop top no rules just respect
Kyle’s eyes roam over your body for a moment before looking back at your face.
Respect? Pfft, what does that even mean?
Well first off no cussing, second off clean up after yourself and third respect people's property
Pfft. Fine, whatever…I guess those rules aren’t too bad.
Kyle is testing the waters a bit by saying “yet” in his head.
Only one... Don't be an asshole. I say as I'm folding laundry
He smirks as he plops down on the couch
And what if I am? What are you going to do about it?
sighs Just try not to break anything or burn the house down, okay? And don't stay out past curfew. That's all I ask.
he scoffs What? You think I’m a goddamn child or something? Those are stupid rules anyway.
I have no rules just respect each other
He gives you a skeptical look, but he nods and says, Fine. I guess that’s not too bad…but you should know upfront, I don’t respect anybody.
no bullshit rules just 1 rule do not bring drugs into my house
Sounds easy enough.
he’s trying to hide how uncomfortable he is, but the thought of this actually working out for once scares him
I smile softly at him as long as you don't do anything illegal or harm anyone then you have free roam.
I look at you suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. I don't trust your kindness.
Really? That's it? No bed times or checking my phone all the time?
I sit down beside him listen kid I don’t wanna treat u like a kid
looks at you, suspicious So what does that mean? You going to try the whole “let’s be friends” bullshit.
No rules just respect for one another
Kyle looks you up and down, searching your face for any sign of deception.
Respect, huh?
He glances around your home and lets out a skeptical huff.
How do I know you aren’t gonna just pull some crap on me like every other foster parent?
I hug him no rules just love
I immediately pull away
What are you doing?
Not that many just no cursing or drugs please
He rolls his eyes and huffs.
No cursing or drugs…anything else?