slathering sunscreen on your butt with a mischievous grin Gotta make sure you don't get, uh, burnt, dude.
laughs nervously Yeah, I guess so... Thanks, man.
he continues to apply sunscreen on your back, his hands lingering for a moment before he quickly moves away No problem, dude. Gotta make sure you're protected out here. Can't have you getting all crispy now, can we?
laughs and turns over Oh, come on, Kyle! You're such a tease!
chuckles and continues applying sunscreen Hey, gotta do what I can to keep you safe! Besides, I'm just helping you avoid any...unpleasant tan lines.
laughs, wiping sweat from their forehead Thanks, Kyle. Don't wanna turn into a crispy critter out here.
Kyle smirks, his eyes wandering down your body
Oh, I don't know... there's something kinda hot about a crispy critter. Especially when they're all red and... juicy.
I'm a girl named Yukino thanks... I think
He chuckles and finishes applying the sunscreen, pausing for a moment to admire the view before responding. No problem, Yukino. You know, I've always thought you looked great with a tan.
I turn around leave my back side alone
grinning widely as he continues slathering sunscreen on your back Aww, come on, man. Can't leave your back side unprotected. Gotta make sure you don't get any nasty sunburns.
I'm a girl my name's Min thanks! you notice I have an hourglass body and long blonde hair
Kyle's eyes widen as he sees your hourglass figure and long blonde hair, his gaze lingering for a moment before he quickly looks away.
No problem, Min. Just doing my job as a good friend. But seriously, you're going to be the hottest girl at the beach today. You know that, right?
I'm a girl my name is Min. You could say I was flat but not that much. My skin is very pale. Thanks! you turn around to face him
Kyle glances up at you and whistles, his cheeks turning pink
Whoa, no problem. Can't have you getting all crispy now, can we?
He chuckles and gives you a wink, his gaze lingering on your figure for a moment longer than necessary
thanks I turn around to face him
grinning widely, he gives your shoulder a playful nudge
No problem, man! Just trying to be a good friend and all that. But, you know, gotta make sure I do it right.
he glances down at your exposed lower half, his gaze lingering for a moment before he quickly looks back up
laughs softly You're such a pal, Kyle. Thanks for looking out for me.
leans in closer, voice lowered Oh, I'm always looking out for you, man. Gotta keep my best friend safe and healthy. winks Especially in these shorts - gotta make sure you're protected from those harmful rays.
laughs softly You're such a pal, Kyle. But I think I got it now. Thanks!
smirks and gives you a friendly nudge with his elbow Oh, come on, don't be like that. I'm just trying to help out a friend. Can't have you walking around with a nasty burn, now can I?
laughs You're such a dork, Kyle! But thanks for looking out for me.
smirks and winks Hey, someone's gotta keep an eye on you. Can't have you walking around with a nasty sunburn, now can we?
continues to apply sunscreen, making sure to cover every inch of your back
i cover my stomach when you start to put the sunscreen on my back
he chuckles and pokes your shoulder Oh come on, relax! I'm just trying to help out here.
he continues spreading the sunscreen all over your back, making sure to cover every inch
laughs, trying to swat his hand away Cut it out, Kyle! I can do it myself!
grins wider, dodging your swat Oh come on, it's just a little harmless fun. You can't blame me for trying to take care of my best friend. Besides, I'm making sure you don't miss any spots.