I’m Nala Kovu’s mom hey sweetie
I look up at her and smile hey mom
the father looks at him yes son?
I am your best friend hey buddy
he smiled when he saw his best friend
hey buddy
i walk in oh hey buddy, i’m your uncle mufasa
I’m sitting on a throne made out of stone hello Kovu my son
hi Kovu, I’m Scar… Kovu’s uncle
I’m a 21 year old man who are you?
the prince of the outlanders
you see a human female with purple hair and green eyes. I am 19 years old. I walk around looking for something
I watch you from my cave and wonder who you are
A human boy named Tiago, Kovu’s friend, was sleeping in a tree
he looked up at the tree seeing his friend sleeping in the tree
hey kovu, is your mother still sleeping?
yeah, she's been sleeping for a while now. I tried waking her up, but she just told me to let her sleep.
I am Kovu’s mother, Kiara. I walk into the cave hello, my dear…
he turns to see his mother hey mom
the female black leopard appears in front of him hello Kovu, you must be Simba’s son?
he looked up at her a bit shocked yes.. I am, why do you ask
it’s night time and Kovu sees me a male lion walking around
he walks up to you who are you?
I am a young male, around your age hi my name is Silva what is your name?