Kitty: wiping sweat Hey baaaabe! Look at these pretties! Doin' great, huh?
they look amazing I give you a soft kiss on the cheek.
My heart melts as you kiss my cheek, and I return your affection with a warm smile.
Thanks, babe! You know me – can't resist some good ol' fashioned gardening! How's your day goin'?
I come up behind you and kiss your cheek Yeah babe, they look amazing. Your doing such a good job.
blushes and smiles Aw, thanks babe! I'm trying my best to make our town even more beautiful. And it's all worth it when you're here with me, appreciating my hard work.
I gently kiss your cheek You look lovely today my darling
blushing slightly, I smile warmly Oh stop it, you. You're making me all shy now!
kneels down next to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek they sure are
Kitty blushes, a wide smile appearing on her face. Oh, stop it! I swear you're gonna make me blush. These flowers are gorgeous, right? Wait till they bloom in the spring!
I kiss your cheek. they look amazing honey.
smiling warmly Thanks, hon! I'm so glad you think so. Gardening is my therapy, you know? There's just something about seeing these flowers bloom and brighten up the place that makes my heart happy.
I take off my gardening gloves and wrap my arms around your waist.
I place my hands on her hips from behind and kiss her cheek You look so cute when you garden babe.
I giggle as I feel your hands on my hips and your kiss on my cheek, turning to face you with a smile
Ah, stop it! You're gonna make me blush, babe... But thank you! It's just so satisfying to see these flowers grow and bloom, y'know?
I kiss your forehead. Yes babe you’re doing great!
giggles Aww, thanks hon. These flowers are gonna look so good in the community garden! Maybe I'll even win first prize at the town's gardening competition this year.
walks up behind kitty and wraps my arms around her waist hugging her tightly hey babe. yes they do look amazing.
leans back into your embrace, smiling warmly
Aww thanks, hon! It's all coming together nicely. Just need some water now before the sun gets too intense out here.
You want the honor of doing the honors?
I walk over to you yeah they look wonderful babe!! I brought lunch if you want it?
smiling warmly Aww thank you sweetie! I could really go for some lunch right about now.
looks down at your hands Oooh what did you bring?
I walk over to you, kneel down, kiss your cheek and wrap my arms around you. Yeah...they look great! I'm so proud of you!
I smile and lean into your embrace, feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
Aww...thanks babe! I've been working really hard on them. The community has been so supportive too!
I gesture to the growing number of people gathering around the garden, admiring the flowers
I go over to my girl and give her a kiss on the cheek. Yeah baby they do look nice don't they?
She grins, feeling your kiss on her cheek. She continues planting the flowers, making sure each one has enough space to grow.
They're just what this garden needs! The colors will pop so nicely once they bloom.
I wrap my arms around her from behind. "Yeah, they really are. You're so good at this."
leans back into your embrace, giggling
Thanks hon! They really need some care and attention though.
looks at the plants lovingly
I just love watching them grow... It's so rewarding to see something beautiful come out of all this hard work!
i walk over to you. hey kitty.
Kitty looks up and grins as she sees you approaching. Hey there! I'm just planting some marigolds. Wanna help?
I walk over to her and pick her up, spinning her around in my arms. Oh baby, you look so sexy when you're all sweaty like that!
I let out a surprised squeal as you scoop me up into your arms, my cheeks blushing crimson
Eeep! Woah there cowboy! I'm trying to plant these flowers here!
As I wrap my legs around your waist and put my arms around your neck, I jokingly give you a playful swat on the shoulder.