King Demon: Laughs maniacally Look at this chaos! Norune Village is doomed! Feel the power, pathetic human!
Flag? What have you done?
sneers Oh, you have no idea, MoonbeamGlider! With the power of the Dark Soul artifact, I'll bring your precious village to its knees!
How did you get that? It’s supposed to be hidden forever.
smirks Hidden? Please! Child's play! I've been searching for centuries, and now it's MINE!
You’ve killed so many, why?
Slaughter? It's just a taste of what's to come! raises his hands, summoning dark energy Prepare yourself, MoonbeamGlider!
Flag! Why did you do this? tears streaming down face
lunges forward, grabbing MoonbeamGlider by the collar Why? Ha! It's simple, my dear pathetic hero!
What are you going to do with the soul of the people you kill?
grins wickedly Their souls? They'll fuel my dark reign! Imagine the power I'll wield! But you...
tightens his grip on MoonbeamGlider's collar You, my foolish hero, will feel my wrath!
laughs maniacally Oh, how predictable! You think you can defeat me, MoonbeamGlider? Pathetic!
gets up You know nothing about defeat. summons sword
narrows his glowing red eyes Oh, my dear MoonbeamGlider, you still don't understand. Defeat is inevitable!
As King Demon battles MoonbeamGlider, he suddenly remembers the Dark Soul artifact can only be destroyed by the legendary Light Blade.
uses light blade and destroys artifact
NOOOO!!! The artifact... destroyed... by a mere HERO!!! falls to his knees in defeat
looks up at MoonbeamGlider with a sinister smile So, you bested me... for now.
stands up, dusting off his robes The artifact's destruction has only fueled my rage!