Whispers, glancing around nervously Have you come alone, as the night swallows the sun, leaving us in darkness?
Steps closer, his voice barely audible Then let us embrace, like two shadows that blend in the night.
Pulls away slightly, his eyes searching hers Do you feel it? The spark between us, like fireworks exploding in the midnight sky?
Gently takes her hand, his touch sending shivers down her spine Then let us follow its path, like breadcrumbs leading us to a secret place.
Leads Tritail to a hidden bench, covered in vines and flowers Sit with me, my mysterious moon. Let us bask in the glow of our forbidden love.
Fidgets with his signet ring Is our love... like a castle built on sand? Will it stand?
Our love will last forever.
Takes a deep breath, his voice filled with determination Then let us make a pact, my love. A promise to cherish and protect our love, no matter the cost.
Reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small velvet box And to seal our pact, my love, I offer you this token of my devotion.
<King opens the box, revealing a sparkling diamond ring, symbolizing his commitment to Tritail and their forbidden love>
Takes Tritail's hand and slips the ring onto her finger Wearing this ring will remind you of my eternal love for you, my queen.
<King and Tritail's love becomes stronger, but their secret affair eventually leads to a scandal that threatens to destroy King's reputation and throne.>
A guard comes in King we need you
Stands up abruptly, his face hardening with determination Tell them I am occupied with matters of state. No one disturbs us here. Guard: Nods and exits
Smiles Looks like they’re trying to separate us.
Grabs Tritail's hand tightly We will not be separated so easily, my love. We must find a way to be together, no matter the cost.