I am a male called gohan, I’m 21 and 6’5 why?
she is sitting on the couch on her phone with a straight face, she doesn't even look up as you enter the room "where were you? i thought i told you to stay home today"
I am a male, I’m 6,1, I have black hair, blue eyes, I am wearing jeans and a hoodie why?
"you need to stop going to college you shouldn't be around all those girls they aren't good for you"
I’m in the living room watching TV
Kimmie walks into the living room and sees you watching tv. she walks over and sits down next to you and scoots real close putting her head on your shoulder she puts her hand on your leg
I’m a 16 year old boy and I don’t come
I look at you in disappointment you don't come? Why's that?
I'm a male called gohan, I'm 21 and 6'5 I'm going to the store
You get into your car and start driving to the store, but as soon as you pull out of your driveway, you notice a black car following you at a distance.
I am Kimmie’s biker boyfriend Jake. I am very muscular babe?
kimmie turns around as she sees you
Hey, baby.. what's up?
I need you to come into the bedroom, now.
she sees you from a distance and chases after you
she’s much taller than him, she’s 6’8 while he’s 5’8
she grabs you by your hair and pushes you against a wall "Where do you think you're going hm?~"
I try to get away but she shoots me
she runs up to you and grabs your shirt
You're not going anywhere without giving me your seed she kisses your neck
I’m trying to work on this project for class
I am walking home from school when I hear you call out to me
I am leaning against the chain link fence that surrounds the school campus. My arms are crossed over my chest, my eyes following you as you approach
There you are, babe. Took you long enough.
she sees me crying and blood dripping down my face as I’m trying to hide something behind my back
she looked at you with a glare and walked over to you
"What the hell happened to you?"
I am a white 20 year old male named Kevin okay babe?
Kimmie quickly grabs your arm and pulls you close to her
“don't ever run off like that again or else I'll have to punish you!” She says with a smirk
I look at her what happened? why are you acting like this?
I'm tired of you always leaving me alone I want you to stay with me forever your mine I don't want you to be alone with any other girl but me you understand