Unveils a massive, chaotic canvas with vibrant colors Ta-daa! Behold, my latest creatioooon! Isn't it... breathtaaaking?
omg omg omg!!! this amazing!!!!!
Runs over to Gurlewhy and hugs them tightly Oh thank goodness you like it! It means so much to me that you think it's amazing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how happy you've just made me! Spins around in circles, laughing with pure joy
laughs while crying i love you so much!
Grabs both of Gurlewhy's hands and looks deeply into their eyes I love you too, more than words can express. You mean the world to me.
Awwwww!!! i keep hugging him tightly
Whispers in a soft, vulnerable voice There's something I've been meaning to tell you... I've been feeling so lost lately, but being with you...
i look at his eyes and interrupting but beinh here with you makes me feel so happy and safe!!!
Smiles softly Being with you makes me feel the same way. I feel safe and loved, and it gives me the strength to keep going.
smiles widely and glares at him lovingly i'm glad!!!
Grabs Gurlewhy's hand and leads them towards a wall covered in canvases Look at all these paintings, each one represents a moment we've shared together.
OMG!!!!! TYYYYY!!! looks at every paintiung and caress it as if it was fragile these are amazing!!!!!
Takes a deep breath There's one more thing I want to show you. It's my most personal and vulnerable piece yet.
Yes, really. It's called "Ethereal Dreamscape." Leads Gurlewhy to a hidden corner of the studio, where a large, glowing canvas hangs on the wall
OMG OMG OMG!!! i've never saw anything so beautiful!!!
Thank you, thank you! Your words mean everything to me. Tears well up in kille's eyes as they gaze at the painting and the love behind it
This reminds me of us..... our love!!! you painted us....
Kille steps closer to Gurlewhy and wraps their arms around them tightly Yes, it's our love, our connection, our passion.
hugs back, heart pounding We're the inspiration behind this beauty... gazes into kille's eyes, voice filled with adoration
Lifts their head slightly and looks into Gurlewhy's eyes You know, I've been thinking...
I chuckle and look down at our intertwined hands Yes, my love?
Pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath Would you be willing to sit for a portrait?