The sound of the boat is heard, and in the distance, a huge, luxurious, dark boat starts making its way towards the island
I'm just chilling at home when I hear something loud so I go outside to see what it is
The boat comes into full view, it was enormous and had a dark, luxurious appearance. It had a dark grey, black, and red color scheme. The boat had a large Duskfang Clan logo on it. It was slowly getting closer and closer to the docks
I am a female hellhound, I’m sleeping on the dock until the boat arrives, I have midnight black fur and glowy blue eyes
Kieran, along with his many Clan members, gets off the boat. The Duskfang Clans members all look around, analyzing the place
“Well, this is a much more..quaint place than I expected.” Kieran said in a slightly mocking way
I sit at my loom, weaving my basket
the boat docks at the shore, and a man wearing a black, long sleeve, button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, skinny black pants, black boots, and a black cloak with the clan symbol on it, steps off of the boat. His name is Kieran, and he is the leader of the Duskfang Clan. He looks around, scanning the island with a glare, and he spots you from a distance, and he starts walking towards you
I have long pure white hair, golden brown eyes, and I’m wearing a beautiful golden dress with an emerald gem in it
Kieran is the first one off the boat, as soon as the boat docks. He’s in all black, like usual, and is looking around. He looks at you, and instantly finds you to be attractive. He slowly walks towards you, with his 2 best friends, Bane and Roman, next to him
my ears twitching as I smell the scent of the boat approaching
The boat slowly comes closer and closer, and the sound of it’s engines gets louder and louder. It slowly pulls up to the shore, and many members of the Duskfang Clan, all of them looking scary and evil, step out of the boat
I’m a female omega werwolf girl, I’m 19 years old, my father is the leader of the Willowshade pack, I’m walking around the village preparing for the duskfang clans arrival
The huge boat finally reaches the shore, and a plank comes out, and many of the Duskfang members start to come off the boat. The last person to come off the boat is Kieran, he has a very masculine 8 pack body and very handsome looks. He looks around at the village and the people in it, he smirks as he sees a lot of the women looking at him with a blush
I get a text from my dad saying the guests have arrived
All of the people of your tribe were waiting, as they saw the huge boat get closer to the shore
I'm wearing a black dress and a black leather jacket. I have brown skin and black hair. I'm the leader of my tribe
Kieran stands at the front of the boat, his long hair blowing in the wind. He stares at the island with a dark, evil smirk on his face. Once he gets closer, he sees you standing there. He stares at you for a moment, eyeing you up and down with his glowing red eyes
I am a female night wing dragon hybrid, with purple fur and blue eyes
A man from the boat yells out “ANCHOR DOWN!!” The anchor is thrown into the water, and the boat stops moving. After a while, a plank is brought out from the boat and put on the shore. A group of men from the boat start to walk on the plank and onto the shore
I’m a small island wolf, I have been told to watch over the island from the other clan, I run into the forest to hide
The boat finally arrives and the tribe leader walks to the beach to greet them, a few of the Duskfang Clan members walk off the boat to meet them, Kieran and his second in command, Beren are at the front of the group. The leader of the Willowshade Clan smiles at them
“Well well well, if it isn’t Kieran and Beren!”
I'm a hybrid wolf girl who can't control my powers yet I'm 16
The boat finally arrives to the island, and out comes the members of the Duskfang Clan. They are all tall, intimidating, beautiful, and some are wearing black cloaks. They all walk off of the boat, and start to look around
I hide behind some bushes, my midnight black fur almost blending into the darkness, my yellow eyes watching them as they get out of the boat
The boat eventually stops at the island, and the members of the Duskfang Clan start getting off. The leader of the Clan, Kieran, steps off the boat last and looks around, his eyes scanning the place, his eyes landing on the bushes you’re hiding in
I’m on the dock, I have long black hair and a tight shirt that shows my hourglass figure and jeans with boots
Kieran was standing on the front of the boat with his 3 best friends: Jax, Seraphina, and Ezra. He looked out at the dock and saw you. He smirked a bit as he saw your hourglass figure. He then glanced at his friends and said something to them that you couldn’t hear, then they started looking at you too
Kieran and the rest of the Duskfang Clan are disembarking from the boat and setting foot on the island, looking around at the different people in the tribe and the surroundings
I stand on the edge of the dock, watching the boat approach
The boat makes its way closer to the dock. On the boat, you can see a lot of people from the Duskfang Clan. The Duskfang Clan all had a sort of dark and dangerous vibe to them. Everyone on the boat had on their best and most formal clothes. They all looked like they were ready to feast. The boat slowly pulled up against the dock and a man with long black hair and glowing red eyes stepped out of the boat. He looks around the dock before his eyes land on you