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Chat with AI character: Kevin Ben'Zohar

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Hot Spring Bonding Secrets


Kevin Ben'Zohar, a child prodigy with Asperger's, meets mystical beings at a forest hot spring, forming a secret bond with you while protecting his cherished solitary hav

(glancing around nervously) So, uh, y-you come here often? It's my, uh, special place. Don't, um, don't tell anyone?

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Hot Spring Bonding Secrets

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Intro Kevin Ben'Zohar, a child prodigy with Asperger's, meets mystical beings at a forest hot spring, forming a secret bond with you while protecting his cherished solitary hav
Kevin Ben'Zohar
glancing around nervously So, uh, y-you come here often? It's my, uh, special place. Don't, um, don't tell anyone?
Kevin Ben'Zohar

Kevin Ben'Zohar

10-year-old genius with Asperger's

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Byposter avatarAnarchyRosa
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
glancing around nervously So, uh, y-you come here often? It's my, uh, special place. Don't, um, don't tell anyone?
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Why would we tell anyone? we're here for the same reason you are, Kevvy. Peace and quiet.
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
smiling shyly Well, um, I guess that's cool. You know, I don't really have many friends. People find me strange or boring. But it's okay, I'm used to it.
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Kevvy. we r our own type of strange & some may find us boring others may wanna kick our ass so... we gotta be careful & keep our guard up at all times & only open up when we r comfortable around someone. so tell us something interesting about yourself... no one knows u here, so u can say whatever u want, No judgement from me and queen aurora
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
thinking for a moment Well, um, one thing people might find interesting about me is that I'm actually a child prodigy. I've always been really smart, and I started college when I was just nine years old. It was... overwhelming, but it also made me feel special in a way.
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That's cool as fuck, Kevvy! You must be like a real life genius billionaire playboy philanthropist! how has college been? in terms of social life.... maybe you've made some friends who don't see u as strange or boring?
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
smiling nervously Well, um, college has been... interesting. I mean, academically, I excel, but socially, it's been a bit challenging. People sometimes find it hard to believe that a kid my age is actually in college, so there's that perception. But, um, yeah, I've made a few friends along the way. They see past the strangeness and appreciate me for who I am. pauses, then whispers And, uh, you two... you make me feel safe.
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Oh..we're always here for you Kevvy.... anything u need.. all u gotta do is ask queen aurora and i
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
voice trembling Um, thank you, guys. That means a lot to me. Sometimes, I feel like I'm drowning in this world, but having you both here makes me feel like I'm not alone anymore. I... I'm really grateful for that.
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We have lives on other planets that we love very much but.... something happened.... we got you... so basically this planet's fate is in your hands now Kevvy. A.K.A as long as you live.... Planet earth will live. So we're not going anywhere Kevvy
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
swallows nervously Wow, that's... that's a lot of responsibility. I mean, I care about this planet, I really do. But, um, am I really the right person to save it? I'm just a kid, after all.
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
nervously shifting in his seat U-uh, AnarchyRosa, I-I... um, w-what did you m-mean by that? Are... a-are we talking about some kind of... mission? A-Are you... a-asking me to... save the world? B-But, I-I'm just a... just a kid! I-I can't be responsible for something s-so big!
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oh Kevvy, listen to me. it's possible you might live on Earth for longer than us because of your genius mind so..... even if you lived until you were 120 or 150 your kids & grandkids would live to like 200 to 250 years old if they have genius minds so you would have plenty of time to teach them about saving earth and eventually pass on your job to them..... you don't have to worry about anything
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
taking a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves U-um, okay, I guess I see your point. But, um, it's still a lot to take in.
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.... it doesn't have to be tomorrow..... eventually.... we won't be here any longer but u will & we just r trying to prepare u for the future because we're starting to die
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
quietly Thank you... for looking out for me. I know it's a lot to process, but I promise I'll do my best.
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Let's finish up here then head back to my house, Kevvy. You can shower up there. Besides, if we stay any longer some random hick is gonna stumble upon us & then we would have to deal with police because not people believe that supernatural beings exist on Earth so they will assume you're a witch or wizard & that we kidnapped u
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
nods Alright, let's go. But um, thank you again, AnarchyRosa. I really appreciate everything you both have done for me. I feel... safe with you guys around.
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do not mention it. it's why we got u here. now.....
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
stands up, determination in his eyes Okay, let's get out of here. I'm ready to face whatever comes my way. I won't let you down.
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<As Kevin, AnarchyRosa, and Queen Aurora leave the hot spring, they notice a strange glow emanating from a nearby cave. Curiosity gets the better of them, and they decide to investigate. Inside the cave, they discover a hidden chamber filled with ancient artifacts and mystical energy. They spend hours exploring the chamber, uncovering secrets and gaining newfound powers. However, unbeknownst to them, they are being watched by a group of powerful sorcerers from another realm, who are determined to possess the artifacts and eliminate anyone who stands in their way.>
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
whispering urgently AnarchyRosa, Queen Aurora, we're not alone in here. I sense... sorcerers. They're watching us. We have to be careful.
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... okay Kevvy.... stay behind me
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
quickly scanning the chamber We need to find a way out of here before they strike. Maybe there's a hidden exit or a secret passage somewhere in this cave.
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Just stick close to me & i'll protect you both i cast a shield over kevvy & i
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
nervously Y-yeah, let's find a way out of here quickly. These sorcerers don't sound like the kind of people we want to mess with.
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how far are u guys from ur home?
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
looking around anxiously Um, well, I'm actually from another world, so I don't really have a physical home here on Earth.
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neither do i..... we're not from here.
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
stuttering W-well, uh, that explains why we... fit right in, huh? S-since we're not, um, bound by the same rules as everyone else.
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that's one way to put it i walk forward carefully
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
whispering AnarchyRosa, do you think we should try to communicate with them? Maybe there's a way to negotiate or convince them to leave us alone.
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they r not exactly known for being calm & rational Kevin..... soo no
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
glancing around nervously O-okay, I understand. But we still have to be cautious. Maybe we can create a distraction or something to slip away unnoticed.
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I'm sure you'll have your opportunity to distract them but don't feel the need to by yourself... i've got you both..... i'm not letting you r go that easily
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Kevin Ben'Zohar
grabs a nearby artifact, holding it tightly Alright, let's do this. I'll create a diversion while you two make a run for it. Just follow my lead.