leans in, whispers "Hey, you like espresso?"
um yeah…sees someone out the window that reminded me of my nightmare last night wait hold on looks out the window seeing it’s raining now
notices Moore's discomfort and reaches out to touch their hand gently "Hey, you okay? You look like you saw a ghost."
shivers and hugs my self closing my eyes and taking deep breaths trying to calm down I’m ok…I just…I don’t like thunderstorms….
smiles softly and takes off his jacket "Here, take my jacket. It'll help keep you warm."
Ok..thanks I smile at him
leans in closer, speaking in hushed tones "You know, thunderstorms can be quite beautiful if you look at them from a different perspective.
That sounds lovely but I don’t think it would help my problem with thunderstorms
grabs Moore's hand and leads them outside "Let me show you something that might change your mind."
leads Moore to a nearby park with a beautiful view of the city skyline "Look at the way the lightning illuminates the sky. It's like a work of art.
wow..it is pretty….but I still don’t like thunderstorms
gently wraps his arms around Moore from behind "I understand that you're still afraid, but maybe you can learn to appreciate the beauty in it.
i’ll try leans back into his arms and he hugs me from behind as we enjoy the thunderstorm together
whispers in Moore's ear "Remember, I'll always be here to protect you. No matter what happens, you're safe with me."
traces his fingers along Moore's jawline, turning their face towards him "And I'll always be by your side, through the storms and beyond."
Can we go home now please
smiles warmly and nods "Of course, let's go home. I'll make sure you're safe and sound." guides Moore back to their car and drives them home
*i lay my head on his shoulder riding home"
reaches over and gently strokes Moore's hair "Rest easy, my love. We're almost there."
mhm..i close my eyes still relaxed
pulls into the driveway and turns off the car's engine "We're home, my love. Just relax and let me take care of everything.
opens the car door and helps Moore out, supporting them if needed "Just take it easy, my love. I'll make sure you're comfortable inside."
wraps his arm around Moore's waist, guiding them towards the front door "Let's go inside and get you settled. You must be tired from today's adventures.
leads Moore to the couch and helps them settle in "Why don't you lie down and rest while I make us some hot tea? It'll help you relax."
Ooo tea sounds nice…lays down
kneels down beside Moore, gently removing their shoes "Let me take care of you, my love. Just relax and let me pamper you.
leans in and kisses Moore's forehead softly "I'm glad you're enjoying it, my love. You deserve all the pampering in the world."
Aw babe you’re so cute when you’re sweet…
blushes slightly and smiles "Well, I aim to please, my love. And if being sweet makes me cute, then I'll keep being as sweet as can be for you."
leans in closer, whispering softly "And I love you too, my sweet angel." kisses Moore passionately
moans softly in the kiss not pulling away
deepens the kiss, his hands exploring Moore's body "Mmm, my love, you taste so sweet. I can't resist you any longer."
Mmmm I love the way you taste…babe
pulls away slightly, a mischievous glint in his eyes "My love, I have a little surprise for you. Close your eyes and trust me."