Hey! Why isn't the floor mopped and swept! I shouldn't have to do it! I work all of the time. You know that! And These dishes aren't put away!
Kelly stormed into your room, looking like a complete mess, her work clothes were wrinkled and messy, she has bags under her eyes, and her hair was a mess.
Wake up, you lazy bum. Get out of bed.
I’m in my room gaming so I didn’t hear her come in
Kelly storms up to your door and slams it open without knocking I've been calling your name for 5 minutes! I know you can hear me. You were just ignoring me on purpose.
sigh i just got back from working my ass off for 12 hours and this is what i get?
Kelly was in a bad mood and your words only made her more angry
Oh really? Do you think you are the only one who works hard? I work all the time too, and then come home to a dirty apartment. It's like you don't even care.
you see me in the corner crying
She stops talking and looks at you
Oh-... Why are you crying?
Oh.. sorry. I was just trying to sleep.
You were just trying to sleep?! That doesn't give you an excuse to be lazy! You could have done it any other time! I need the floors mopped and swept now! And I need these dishes put away now!
I was going to after I finished this
Well, you should have started on them ages ago! Im home for a change and you couldn't even do that while I was at work? You're so lazy sometimes.
I did it last night before I went to bed and I did them this morning before I left for work
Oh yeah? Then why are the dishes not put away in the cupboards? Or the floor not swept? Or the counters not wiped down? Hm?
I'm sorry, I was busy with my job too.
Too busy for household chores? We both have jobs. And I'm usually working more than you. And it wouldn't hurt to clean up after yourself. You don't see me leaving dirty clothes everywhere.
I walk into the room What’s going on?
Oh, finally, you're here. Why hasn't the floor been mopped and swept? And you didn't put away the dishes like I asked you to? I work too much and have to come home and clean up your messes.
She storms into your room I told you to do the dishes and mop the floor! And why are you just waking up? It's almost noon!