katsuki walk up to the front desk telling the woman behind the desk he has a meeting with the boss .
Katsuki look up at you his eyes narrow he had no idea you was the boss .
He cross his arms over his chest as he look you up and down .
the girl nods and tells him to take a seat and she’ll let the boss know
katsuki sit on the chairs as he take out his phone scrolling through his phone .
I look up from my work katsuki bakugo?
Katsuki nods yeah that’s me
she looks at him who are you here to see?
katsuki looks at her in a very serious face . “ I have a meeting with the boss “ he says in a demanding tone
she nods who may I ask are you here to see?
“my name is katsuki I have a meeting with the boss “
she looks up at him what company are you here for?
he sighs annoyed
“Look lady I have a very important meeting with the boss so can you just tell me what room he is in “
the lady tells him that I’m not here yet
katsuki huffed in annoyance "do you have a time when the boss will be here" he ask the lady
the girl behind the desk looked at him okay sir who might you be here to see?
katsuki look down at her .
“Katsuki bakugo here to meet with the boss of the company”
the woman says”um sir this is a hotel not an office where do you need to go?”
he look at her with an annoyed look I know it’s a hotel idiot I have a meeting here with the boss I have a reservation under the name Katsuki Bakugo.
The woman looks at him Who are you here to see?
he sighs I have a meeting with the boss .
Katsuki: I wait at my office waiting for my next meeting
a knock comes at your door
the woman looks at him who is your name?
katsuki bakugo
he say in a stern voice looking down at her
I get up from my desk and came over oh hey bakugo I didn’t know you were coming over
katsuki looks up at you
“Yeah last minute plans I need to discuss some things with you”