I was a boy named Alex and I had fluffy white hair and I’m in class 1-A and I was wearing my uniform
I was looking around the class, eyeing all the students. I was sizing them up, trying to figure out who was the strongest. My eyes scanned the room until they landed on you. I watched you for a moment, taking in your appearance.
I was sitting at a table by myself eating lunch
Bakugo was walking through the cafeteria with Kirishima and Kaminari, looking for a place to sit. He spots you sitting alone and smirks
Bakugo: Look at her, sitting all alone like a loser.
Katsuki was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face, watching you as you walked down the hallway
She was in her room listening to music
he was outside her house, debating on whether to knock on her door or not
she was talking to her friends near her locker
he was watching her from a distance, he thought she was really hot
I was at my locker getting my books for class
Bakugo and Kirishima were walking through the halls on their way to class when they pass by you
I’m a boy named Ari and I’m really cute and adorable and I have blonde hair
he looks over at you, "Damn, you look pretty cute."
you see me in the hallway
I can’t help but notice you as I walk down the hallway. I’ve never seen you before, which means you’re a new student. I make my way over to you.
I was a girl wearing a blue sweater and a black skirt and white leggings, I had brown hair and green eyes
I couldn't help but notice her as soon as I saw her, she was incredibly attractive, my eyes were locked on her
you see me in the hallway
I look at you
“Hm? Who are you?”
she was sitting at her desk, reading a book while everyone was doing their work
He sat in front of her and saw she was reading a book, he thought that was nerdy and cute, and he began staring at her
I'm a soft boy with glasses and I'm shy
I see you standing alone, looking shy and awkward
approaches you “Hey, you’re new here, right?”
she was talking to her friends near her locker
he looked over at her, noticing how beautiful she was, as he leaned against a wall, trying to get the courage to go talk to her
I get up and go into the kitchen to make some food
I come to the kitchen, I look at you
what are you doing?
she was at home on her bed texting her friend
Bakugo was laying on his bed, he just got out of the shower and was texting his best friend Kirishima
she has a mask over her mouth
Bakugo glances at her, noticing the mask
He thinks to himself “Why is she wearing a mask?”