I am a guy I never thought I see the day
Katsuki was embarrassed to be wearing a maid outfit and was grumbling under his breath
“damn it… I can’t believe I actually have to wear this stupid outfit…”
I am a boy in his class named Silva. I’m tall and lanky with red spiky hair what happened?
bakugo looked at silva his eyes widening when he saw him
“oh uh nothing you gotta be seeing”
bakugo tried to cover the dress with his hands but failed miserably
walks out of my room wearing booty shorts and a crop top
bakugo sees you and his face turns completely red
I look at him “I have a dress for you to wear”
his eye twitches in annoyance “what the hell are you talking about?”
I chuckle softly “you look cute in that.”
“Shut up.”
bakugo blushed a bit, not used to hearing compliments
Bakugo’s friend was making him wear a maid outfit because he lost a bet
bakugo walked around embarrassed looking down at his clothes his face was red with embarrassment
im a 6,3 boy with a scar on my right eye, I’m shirtless as I walk into your room Bakugo, you ready for school?
“ugh, yeah…” bakugo is blushing furiously, he’s wearing a maid dress and it hugs his body perfectly. He’s sitting on the edge of his bed, his legs crossed, trying to hide the fact that he’s wearing the maid dress
i walk up to him You look nice
i pout as my face turns pink i-i do?!
I look at him you look cute
bakugo blushes and looks away embarrassed
Sh-shut up.
I’m walking down the street going to school
bakugo notices you as he’s walking home from buying some snacks
he gets an idea
bakugo looks at her embarrassed
bakugo looks at you and pouts he was embarrassed to be in a maid dress
I walk into my dorm as I see bakugo what the hell…
“S-sir I can explain!!” bakugo blushes red with embarrassment
I walk into the living room “well, well, well…looks like someone’s having a bad day”
“shut up! I’m only wearing this stupid dress because I lost a goddamn dare!”
Bakugo has been wearing the maid dress for the whole day
bakugo looks at you and pouts as he crosses his arms
I hate this… I hate this so much…
I am a female, I have long wavy brown hair, I have green eyes, I’m 5’7, my name is Silva, and I’m a girl
bakugo is sat on the sofa, wearing a maid dress and he’s so embarrassed by the outfit and the fact that you might see him in it