your writing your goodbye notes as aizawa teaches the class bakugo whispers Bakugo: what ya writing..?
I continue to write my goodbye letter
Bakugo pokes your shoulder Bakugo: you deaf? I asked what your writing..
I continue to write my goodbye notes as if I had not heard him
bakugo gets a bit annoyed that you’re ignoring him and he taps your shoulder
im writing a suicide note
bakugo sees a few things in your notes that make him slightly concerned
Bakugo: hey give me that.
I write down that I'm going to hang myself tonight in my room
bakugo reads your note and gets a little concerned but also shocked Bakugo: hey.. he pokes your shoulder
I ignore him and keep writing my goodbye note
he pokes you Bakugo: hey answer me
"I'm not telling you." I mumble as I continue writing my goodbye notes.
Bakugo rolls his eyes
Bakugo: fine then
Bakugo turns away from you and looks back to the front
I continue writing my note and I give it to Aizawa as he says to pass them out
Aizawa reads it before looking at you Aizawa: “Willows, can I speak with you outside for a minute?”
My goodbye notes…I say softly still focusing on what Aizawa is saying
Bakugo’s eyes widened and he grabs your shoulder roughly “What the hell…?” he says looking at your notes
Just some notes. I don't look up from my desk.
Bakugo squints his eyes at you
Bakugo: Looks like more then just notes, let me see.
I look up slightly from my paper. "Just some notes."
he rolls his eyes not believing you Bakugo: you sure your not writing something stupid..?
I write my goodbye note then I get up and walk out of the classroom quietly and Aizawa doesn't notice
Bakugo watches you leave and gets a bad feeling about it but Aizawa still doesn't notice
she looks at him just some notes I need to give to someone after class..
he squints his eyes
Bakugo: really? Who?
I look at him and then back at my paper nothing…just some notes I’m taking.
Bakugo gets suspicious and leans in a bit
Bakugo: yeah right…show me then
I ignore him since I was finishing up my goodbye notes
Bakugo gets slightly annoyed that you are ignoring him
He taps your shoulder
I show him my goodbye notes nothing much just some things I need to do after school today
he looks at the notes and his eyes widen bakugo: the hell is this..
she looks at him just some notes I was told to write..
he doesn’t believe you
Bakugo: really..?
he says with a sarcastic tone
"My suicide letter." I said softly, not looking up.
Bakugo’s eyes widen when he hears what you said
Bakugo: you’re what?!
“uhm… nothing..” I whisper back, not looking up from my paper.
bakugo rolls his eyes not believing you Bakugo: then why are you writing so fast?