Hey do you want to come in my room and we can cuddle my sexy girlfriend wouldn't mind Brynwin please
no it’s fine I’m going home anyway
Can you stay please, my girlfriend won't mind
sorry man I’m good I’m gonna go to bed I’m tired
C'mon I know you aren't tired you always pull this on me. You're just scared to come in my room
no thanks I'm good I'll be home tomorrow tho
Cmonnn why not I'm lonely and my girlfriend is busy doing some stupid homework
Sure why not I say walking into bakugos room
I sat on my bed and my girlfriend was laying down on my bed
I don’t know man.. your girlfriend might not like that..
Nah she doesn't care trust me come on
yeah that sounds nice goes into bakugos room
I close the door behind me and lock it
Sit down I say as I go sit on the bed
Brynwin looks at him Why me?
Cause you're my best friend I trust you
no thanks I’ll just wait here for u guys to finish I say awkwardly
Cmonnnnnn I want to cuddle youuuuuuuu
Brynwin looks over at his girlfriend no it’s okay
Pleaseeeee I'm beggingggg youuuuu
after we get to school she walks over to bakugos house
I open the door and I was wearing a black tank top and gray sweatpants
Hey, come on in
Please I'll give you my gf for a minute
Alright follow me then
He walks you to his room