c-can I sleep with you please
asleep, mumbled Mmm... sure, come on.
got in the bed and wrapped my arms around you
cuddles into you and hugs you tight
I'm a boy alright but I'm not cuddling you
f-fine just don't touch me
I open my eyes as he crawls into bed with me
T-thank you
Bakugo lays on your chest
I wake up huh? kacchan? You okay?
N-no I had a nightmare and I can't sleep
I wake up slowly huh? Oh yeah, come here.
I am your crush and we are in the same dorm
Bakugo looks at you, his eyes red and tired
sigh it's freezing out there... come on... I get up from bed and invite him to sleep next to me
I immediately walk over to your bed and lay down next to you
Bakugo lays down next to you, he pulls the covers over himself and snuggles into you
half asleep what? katsuki what's wrong... i say half asleep