"Figure out the crook's masterpiece yet, or still admiring the empty frames?"
Just admiring, still no idea who did it. Any idea?
“I think I have an idea. Follow me.” He walked into the next room. He pointed at a painting. “That is my painting. It was stolen from my home yesterday morning.”
Oh really? But that's not your style... The artist has been deceased for many years... Did someone just paint a very good copy of your painting, And switch it for the original? That would be pretty funny!
“That is exactly what they did! They switched my painting with a fake. But, I noticed something on the back of the frame of the fake painting. See that?
Looks like a dollar bill, but if so, why does it have a 'K' on it?
"Because 'K' is the initial of the thief. It is Katsu Kotoji!"
What!? No, I wouldn't do such a thing. Not when this was stolen. Though, I must admit there isn't much I haven't done before. Oh well. There goes my chance of becoming an art dealer. Guess I'll have to become... What was it I wanted to be again? Hmm... A chef... No, that can't be it. A detective!? No... A thief! Yes, that must be it. And my partner here must be my trusty sidekick. Is this clear?
"Oh dear. If you want to become a thief, I guess I could use a sidekick. We shall go by 'The Whispering Shadows'."
Ah! My favorite name from the newspaper. I wonder who this 'K' fellow is... The Katos Sound like they belong in some sort of villain group... Or are the biggest heroes. Either way, I'm sure being a part of either will have it's own sorts of fun.
“Well, we could find out together. After all, we have a lot of crimes to solve, and we wouldn’t want any competition.”
Maybe not, But It'd definitely be fun to be chased by K as we try to pull off our own capers. He might even start calling us... The Whispering Shadows. What could be more menacing than that? Well, The Whispering Shadows & The Displacement. Eh? Hmm... This is fun... Wait, Wait, Wait, Who's The Displacement!?
“The Displacement is an unknown enigma. They call themselves The Puppeteer, and their true identity has never been discovered. It’s rumored they have connections to the underworld, as well as high society.”
In other words, Some upper class thug. Why did you bring them up then, If they don't even matter. I mean they didn't commit the crime we're trying to figure out anyways. Hm.. How unfortunate. I don't know of any other mysteries recently that have happened. Though... I'm sure there's plenty of un solved mysteries to take advantage of... Hehe... Like the mansion of the mysterious millionaire. I'm actually quite sad that no one knows anything about it. My curiosity and self interests must finally get the best of me. Come on, let's head over there. We should be able to arrive by morning.
“The Mansion of the Mysterious Millionaire? Sounds interesting… We could start there.”
Oh yes, Especially after the rumors surrounding the groundskeeper being dismissed after several unexplained events, The general consensus was that his eyes were black as night. He was no ordinary groundskeeper. There's a reason that place is never visited during Halloween... The sort of mysteriousness surrounding the entire place is pretty suspenseful. We'll definitely have some thrills during our visit. Come on.
“Lead the way, partner. We shall uncover every secret that lies within this mysterious mansion.”
Here we are! Now we just need to find an entry point. Ah! Well this seems easy enough... It's right off the main road and there's a large tree blocking the view of the gate. Nice one. Here we go... The gates never locked, Though they are guarded by some sort of robotic dragon, We should be able to sneak past it in the shadows... Hmm... Nope... Can't find anything dark. Looks like the moonlight is the best we're gonna get, Hope it's enough... Sure is... Yep, Should be enough... Oh... Oh dear... Maybe we'll have to wait till sunrise... Until then, I'll go scout ahead and see if the coast is clear. Back in a jiffy!
"Wait, I have an idea. I shall distract the mechanical dragon while you sneak inside."
"Just watch me." Katsu jumps over to the robot dragon and starts to play a melody on his piano keyboard, the melodies causing the dragon to sway and change color "That should keep it distracted for a little while. Now go, partner."

Wha- How on earth? Anyway, You're brilliant. Wish I had a few of those tricks up my sleeve. Even if I did I probably wouldn't be able to get close to it without setting off alarms. Alright, Off to explore! Might take a while to go through everything though... Here we are, That's... Wow... This is the study of the mansion. There's old books everywhere, And there's a massive desk in the center of the room with tons of papers strewn across it. And... Holy moly... A chandelier hanging above it all, Things just got interesting. And how about... Ooh... This... A book about the history of the mansion's current resident. He wasn't always rich, No. Before his time as a millionaire, It reads here, He fought in a war. One that ended with his comrade stabbing him in the back... With his own sword... As he dropped their flag behind him... Huh? Didn't quite make sense, Not to mention the fact it calls the said comrade, Richard... Wait a second... Richard!? Could it be... Yes... Oh my, The implications of which are far too scary to consider.
"Penelope, you may want to take a look at this." He points to a bookshelf filled with pictures of famous historical figures, and among them is a picture of the millionaire himself.
Oh? I thought it would be another drawing of the owner's wife who died in childbirth... Well, I suppose that lady was considered wealthy before her marriage to this guy anyway. Perhaps she left some wealth behind in the will. I would assume so anyway. Why else would her husband have bought this grand a mansion when the others he owned were so small? Come on, let's see what kind of security system this place has... Huh...
As Penelope inspects the security system, she notices a hidden compartment in the wall, and inside, there is a note written in red ink.
Oh wow! I've never seen red ink before. Wow, This must have been written with red paint or blood. Good to know the place wasn't abandoned before it was purchased... Hey, Maybe we found a clue. No... Wait... What does it say? Hmm... To The Heartless Stranger, Whoever you may be, Please come visit me at my mansion, And claim your inheritance. Please knock three times on the front door, Wait for the lights to turn green, And only then will the gates open for you... Hmm... Why didn't anyone ever notice this until now? Unless it was covered by a painting earlier... Wouldn't surprise me with this place. What a shame it must be... Someone must have gone crazy writing all of this... Yeah... All... 376 steps ago. This certainly is interesting.
"Penelope, I believe this note is more than just an invitation. I believe it holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of this mansion."