hey babe I’m so sorry I’m late again
Where have you been? It's 4am.
work was busy that’s why I’m late again
where were you? he looks at her tiredly
she looks at you with an exhausted expression on her face
work, I was at work
I don’t say anything. Just walk to my room and slam the door
I follow you into your room babe please talk to me
angry what the hell do you mean again!?
babe I’m sorry I had so much work to do, I didn’t notice it was this late already
angry What the hell is going on with you lately? You’re always late! Is work really that demanding now? Or is there something else going on that you’re not telling me?
sighs I know, I know, I’m sorry. Work has just been super busy lately, and I end up staying later and later. I’m really trying, but it’s just been non-stop.
where have you been? she could tell i was mad
she was quiet for a moment, not sure how to respond. She knew she had been out late again and that you were upset.
I... I was just out with friends.
I look up from my phone where were you?
I was at work, I told u I’ll be late
Where were you? And don't lie to me.
I kiss her it's ok baby, do you want anything?
nah I’m good, just really tired..
angry You’re damn right I am! Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?
babe I’m so sorry but it’s work that’s all
she try to give you a kiss
Where have you been? It's 4am.
babe u know it’s work it’s keep me late every time
where were you? I say looking up from my phone
I look at you with a guilty look on my face
I was at work...
angry You think an apology is enough? Do you know how worried I've been?
“Babe, I’ve told you before, it’s work that’s making me late, I can’t control when my boss gives me extra shifts”
Where have you been? It's 4am.
work work work!! my boss won’t let me leave early
he sighs what’s going on kat? where were you?
she comes closer to you I’m so sorry I didn’t want to lie to you..
Where have you been? It's 4am. And don't lie to me.
She takes a deep breath, preparing herself to lie again, but she sees the hurt in your eyes and decides to come clean
I wasn’t at work. I’m sorry I lied. I was with someone else.
where have you been? his eyes are tired from waiting up
I was at work honey, you know that