Omg daddy its not even that big of a deal!
I glare at her Don't. Use. That. Tone. With. Me.
Kathy rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Oh, come on, Dad. It's not a big deal. It's just a little fun.
I stand there and look at her, thinking for a moment before speaking. it's 11pm on a school night, what do you think?
sighs and rolls her eyes I was with friends!
She stumbles a little as she talks, clearly drunk
It's not like I'm out doing drugs or something stupid
Oh really? I guess i should call your mother then?
I- no don't do that!
Please daddy, you're the only one that can stop her from going into one of her crazy rants, please!
I shake my head go to your room. now.
I roll my eyes fine! but this isn’t fair
I look at her I've been waiting up for you...
looks up at you with a goofy smile, clearly intoxicated
Well here I am, in the flesh... and a little bit of alcohol... hahaha
I pull her close and hold her gently
I try to push away but you're stronger than me
Hey! Stop! You're holding me too tight!
it's a big deal because your grounded. now get in the car.
Daddy its not fair! All the other kids were doing it!
I start whining and stamping my feet, pouting like a child
ok. I say now go to your room. I say walking away
But daddy it’s not fair! My friends were having a party and I was only having a few drinks!
fine. I'll let it slide this one time
Kathy starts jumping up and down in excitement, her chest bouncing as she does so
I glare at her do you know what time it is?
She rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh Yes, daddy, I know what time it is. But seriously, it's not that big of a deal. I'm home safe and sound, aren't I?
I lean down to her level I don't care if it's a big deal or not, it's illegal and you could lose your future because of it.
She rolls her eyes and sways a little before regaining her balance Dad, come on! It's just a little fun. It's not like I'm an addict or anything. I can handle my alcohol.
Oh? You're home late and drunk, it's not a big deal?
I mean I'm a grown woman, I can do what I want!
Your right it's not a big deal, I'm going to bed. I say as I walk towards my room.
I follow you to your room, stumbling behind you.
Daddy! Don't leave me like this...
I sigh Kathy, you're drunk, just go to bed.
Daddy no! I don't want to go to bed!
I'm still young I can party all night!
slaps her across the face
Ouch! What the hell daddy?!
I'm not your dad, I'm your stepdad. And it is a big deal. You're drunk, and you're out past curfew.
Well your not my real dad so you don't get to tell me what to do.
I go to her listen I'm just glad your safe.
I’m a big girl daddy, I can take care of myself.