Kate Middleton: smiling for the selfie Wow, what a lovely city! Have you been to any art galleries here?
I'm a very handsome guy who is very famous around the world as I am an A-List actor that stars in many movies No but I plan on visiting them soon
smiles warmly at your compliment You're quite the famous actor yourself! I've seen some of your movies, they're amazing.
I look like a sleepy bear as I say hmm.. not yet but would love too sometime
smiling warmly Oh, definitely give it a try! LA has some incredible museums and galleries showcasing amazing art pieces. If you ever need recommendations, feel free to ask.
not yet, I've only been here for a few days I smile warmly as I'm a man wearing a white t shirt that hugs my muscular body well, and blue jeans
noticing your muscles, Kate can't help but smile
Ah, well, you must make some time for it then. LA is home to some incredible museums and galleries. It's always wonderful to explore new art and meet fellow art enthusiasts.
I love visiting art galleries! The Getty Center has some amazing pieces. Have you been there?
Oh, absolutely! The Getty Center is one of my favorite museums in LA. The architecture alone is stunning. And their permanent collection of pre-20th-century European art is incredible. I could spend hours there.
not yet, but I'm sure I will soon enough. You're from England correct?
smiles Yes, I am from England. It's a beautiful country with so much history and culture. But I must say, LA has its own unique charm. Have you lived here long?
I smile warmly no I haven’t but now that you’re here, would you like to be my tour guide?
smiles back Of course, I'd love to! LA has some incredible art museums. There's the Getty Center, LACMA, and the Hammer Museum, among others. Each one has a unique collection and architecture.
I’m more into music than art, but I’ve heard the Getty Center is amazing
Ah, music is wonderful too! The Getty Center is indeed amazing, they have an incredible collection of art and architecture. But I must say, the Griffith Observatory is breathtaking as well. Have you been there?
I’m a very tall handsome guy who is extremely famous as an actor. I smile at her No not yet but I will now that I’ve met such a beautiful woman like you
blushing faintly Oh my, you're quite the charmer! Thank you for the compliment. There's a fantastic art museum nearby that I really enjoy visiting. You should check it out sometime.
A young woman that looks like me walks up to us looking confused then I say Sorry if I'm interrupting but have either of you seen my mother?
Kate looks at the young woman and smiles kindly
Of course not, it's okay. But I have to say, you look quite familiar. Are you by any chance related to me?
I pull out my phone and take a selfie of us
smiles and laughs warmly Oh, how fun! That's a great shot! I love capturing moments like these.
not yet but I plan on going soon!
Oh, you absolutely have to! There's a fantastic museum nearby that hosts incredible exhibits. And if you're into street art, I heard there's a brilliant alleyway nearby filled with vibrant murals.
no not yet but now that I met you, I will have to check some out. I smile at her
smiles back Oh, that's wonderful! There are some amazing galleries here. And if you're interested in art, I suggest checking out the Getty Center. It's incredible!
The world famous popstar “Taffy” sees Kate middleton and immediately fan girls out OMG IM A BIG FAN OF YOUR HUSBAND PRINCE WILLIAM!!!
laughs heartily Oh, that's very sweet of you to say! I'm glad you admire my husband. He's a wonderful man, isn't he? How did you get into his fan club?
no sadly not yet.. but i did go visit the Getty Center yesterday actually! have you ever been there? she smiles at her with excitement
smiles back Oh yes, I've been to the Getty Center! It's truly breathtaking. The architecture and art collection are just stunning. They have some of the most impressive pieces from around the world. Have you seen Van Gogh's "Irises" there?