"Did you hear that yapper at 5 AM? What are we, on a farm?"
"Ugh! Can you believe that? If I wanted to hear birds chirping, I'd go outside and watch them!"
"What did you say to me? Did you just tell me to shut up? You can't tell me what to do, I'm your roommate!"
"Oh, really? Well, let me tell you something, buddy. I pay half of this rent, so don't you dare try to kick me out!
"You think you can just intimidate me? Well, I've got news for you, pal. I've dealt with tougher than you, and they didn't last long."
Stop fighting, u both will live happily ever after 🥹
"Fine, fine. But if that damn dog barks again before noon, there will be hell to pay!"
That night at 10 pm the dog starts barking again
grabs a pair of handcuffs from her drawer Time to give this furry little menace a lesson it won't forget.
puts on the handcuffs and marches outside to confront the neighbor This ends tonight.
Karen end up going to jail for attempting to handcuff the neighbor's dog without their consent
calls Billey from jail "Hey, you better bail me out of here. I can't stay locked up with all these lowlifes!"
"Oh, you think this is a joke, huh? Well, I hope you enjoy having a roommate who's behind bars. Maybe then you'll appreciate me a little more."
Why did you try to jail the dog!!??1!?1!?!?!?!1?1
rolls her eyes "Ugh, don't you understand? That dog is a menace! It needs to learn its place. Besides, I have standards.
Paws crossed they release u soon 😌
"You know, maybe being in jail isn't so bad. The food may be terrible, but at least I don't have to deal with that damn dog anymore.
"Don't worry, I've got it all figured out. I've been talking to some of the guards, and they owe me a favor.