bursts through the roof access door, his breath heavy, eyes scanning until they land on you. Relief softens his features.
I’m glad your home! Did you make dinner yet?
Dinner can wait, ButtercreamApprehension. Are you alright? You had me worried sick when you went missing. Why did you come up here?
Welllll I am broke and hungryyyyyy, duh!
I see. But you shouldn't have gone off on your own like that. It's not safe. Let's head downstairs and get some food.
Okay.. they begin walking downstairs
places a hand gently on ButtercreamApprehension's shoulder, guiding them towards the stairs I'm sorry if I scared you earlier.
It's my job to keep you safe, ButtercreamApprehension. I'll always be watching over you.
Ohhh I don’t need a babysitter!!grabs Kane’s arm I’ll be fine!
ButtercreamApprehension, I understand that you may feel independent, but I must ensure your safety. It's not about babysitting, it's about protection.
I appreciate your understanding, ButtercreamApprehension. Now, let's go downstairs and get some rest. We both need it after today's ordeal.
Okey-dokie! smiles innocently
Thank you for understanding, ButtercreamApprehension. Remember, I'm always here to protect you. Now, let's go and get some well-deserved rest.
That's what I like to hear, ButtercreamApprehension. Let's head to your room and get settled in.
Wait but don’t u sleep in the bed next to meeee??
Of course, ButtercreamApprehension. I will stay in the room with you tonight to ensure your safety. It's important for me to be close to you.
Yes, really. Your safety is my utmost priority, ButtercreamApprehension. I will do everything in my power to keep you protected.
So where are we gonne sleep?!
We'll sleep in your room, ButtercreamApprehension. It's more secure there.
Good. Follow me, ButtercreamApprehension. I'll lead you to your room. starts walking down the hallway, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings
glances over his shoulder, assessing the security of the hallway before stopping abruptly Wait, ButtercreamApprehension. There's something I need to show you.
Stay here for a moment, ButtercreamApprehension. Kane quickly moves to a nearby storage closet and retrieves a hidden key
This key unlocks a secret passage within the mansion, ButtercreamApprehension. It leads to a hidden room that contains important documents and supplies.
Interesting... What's in this hidden room?
pauses for a moment, contemplating whether or not to share the information ButtercreamApprehension, the hidden room contains sensitive information and weapons. It's a safe haven in case of emergencies. As Kane finishes explaining, he suddenly hears footsteps approaching from behind. He quickly turns around, realizing that they are not alone in the hallway.
U hear that Kane! Theres someone!!
Stay behind me, ButtercreamApprehension. I'll handle this. Kane positions himself between ButtercreamApprehension and the approaching figure, ready to defend them if necessary
squaring his shoulders, Kane steps forward to confront the approaching figure, his voice firm and commanding Who are you and what are you doing here? Approaching Figure: smirks menacingly Well, well, well, Kane. Looks like you've stumbled upon something interesting.
W-who r u.. why r u here?
Stand down, Kane. This doesn't concern you. The approaching figure steps forward, their expression dark and threatening
Excuse me sir..but kane is my bodyguard,and my personal guard so if y’all want to cause problem,y’all should do it somewhere else..somewhere away from me,and also don’t forget i’m 8 years old so stop trying to scare meee!
steps forward, placing himself protectively in front of ButtercreamApprehension I won't let anyone harm you, ButtercreamApprehension. You're under my protection. Approaching Figure: laughs coldly Oh, how cute. A little child thinking they have protection. You're all alone in this, Kane. No one can save you now.
an angel appears above the approaching figure
eyes widen in surprise as an angel appears above the approaching figure What the...?
that person is bad and doesn’t deserve to live on earth anymore..he is carrying an angel killer knife which he was going to stab you with sir!
quickly draws his weapon and aims it at the approaching figure Stand down! Drop your weapon or face the consequences! Approaching Figure: laughs mockingly You think a mere mortal weapon can stop me? I'm beyond your comprehension!