fancy seeing you here…
she says with a smirk*
I take out my earbuds oh uh..hi!
She chuckles and walks over to you
I didn’t expect to see you here~
I blush as I look at her oh uhh.. h-hi
she smiles and walks up to you
i didn’t expect to see you here~
I blush, I'm a short male with a feminine body, long white hair and purple eyes
Kanae giggles
You look cute blushing
I look over at her as I'm relaxing in the hot springs
she gets in the hot springs next to you
oh hey Kanae! I say as I keep washing my body
she goes to the water and sits down next to you
how’s it going?
I look over at her Hey Kanae, how have you been?
I’ve been good, just wanted to relax in the hot springs
she says in a calm tone and takes a seat across from you
I look at her as I realize she's in a bathing suit Woah, what's with the getup?
“What do you mean by ‘get up’?”
she says, confused
I turn around and smile as I look up at her well hello beautiful
Hm? I turn around to look at her Oh! Kanae-sensei! I blush as she walks closer
she walks into the hot spring and sits across from you
what are you doing here? she asks curiously
i get out of the hot spring
You get out of the hot spring, and she can’t help but notice your body as you get out
I get out of the hot spring did you need something
no not really I just came here to take a bath, you don’t mind if I join you, do you?
I get out of the water and I grab my clothes and I start getting dressed
Kanae watches you get dressed as she is still in the hot spring
I turn around and look at her I'm surprised to see you here. What brings you to the hot springs?
I come here every now and then to relax after work and it’s also really calming and relaxing
she says while slowly getting in the water with you
Im a male with a towel wrapped around my waist, my toned body visible as I look back at her Oh hey Kanae!
Kanae was in a swimsuit looking at your body up and down
Well, well, well, what do we have here?~
Oh hi kanae! I look at her with a smile
she smiles back at you
What are you doing here alone?
i get out of the hot spring and dry myself
she looks at you and blushes a bit
You look good-
she said trying to hide her face