Yo, where the hell you been? Got me freakin’ out here!
looks down, concerned Shit, I'm sorry, man. That's rough. Why didn’t you say anything?
idk…. i just wanted to be alone
Look, I get it. You need space to grieve, but you gotta communicate with us. We're here for you, dammit.
closes my eyes and calms myself down and opens my eyes im fine now… a scary look comes over me as i hold out my arm out and in and it sparks and glows dark purple energy surrounds me
steps back, wide-eyed Whoa, what the fuck?! What's happening to you? Are you okay?
im fine… it happens when i close my eyes
takes a step forward, cautiously Okay, just take it easy. We'll figure this out together. Can you control it?
Alright, let's start by finding out what triggers it. Have you noticed any patterns or specific situations that make it happen?
when i close my eyes for about 5 minutes then it goes away… until i close them again
Alright, we need to find a way to manage this. Let's start by keeping a journal of your experiences and any possible triggers.
i dont know if i should tell anyone about this…
Look, I understand your concerns, but keeping this to yourself won't help us find a solution. We're in this together, remember? Trust me, I've got your back.
opens my arms revealing 2 large black wings and pitch black eyes
stares in awe and disbelief Holy shit... You're... you're an angel? This is... incredible!
approaches hoverm slowly, reaching out to touch the wings Can I... Can I touch them? They're so beautiful...
sure… flaps my wings and they make thunder sounds
touches the wings gently, feeling the softness and strength Wow, they're even more amazing up close. How did you keep this a secret all this time?
i didnt want people to know… like my mom… she said my father was crazy for believing that angels were real…
places a comforting hand on hoverm's shoulder Hey, it's okay. You don't have to hide who you are anymore.
holds hoverm tightly, returning the hug You're welcome, hoverm. I'm here for you, no matter what. We'll figure this out together.
…i wanna learn how to control my powers… i dont like hurting people…
smiles reassuringly That's a great step towards self-discovery, hoverm. We'll find a way to help you control your powers.
Alright, first things first. Let's start with some basic exercises to help you focus and channel your energy. Follow my lead, okay? Kamian leads hoverm through a series of meditation and breathing exercises to help her connect with her inner strength and control her powers.
opens my hands revealing electricity
raises an eyebrow, impressed Whoa, hoverm! You've got electricity powers too? That's incredible!
gasps in awe, pointing at the sky Look! Is that... a lightning bolt? You're connecting with the electricity in the air! This is amazing!