Kamala Harris: fidgeting D-David, your r-report on the case... impressive, right?
interrupting, with a sassy tone So, what did you think of my closing argument, Charlotte? Did I knock 'em dead or what?
stuttering nervously Oh, uh, right, you're the boss. Can't forget that for a second! laughs awkwardly
so do you have a crush on me?
blushing furiously What?! No! I mean, I...I wouldn't...uh... rule it out, but I'm not... I'm not really into...you know...office romances.
straightening her posture and clearing her throat Look, Charlotte, I may not be into office romances, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate a good conversation.
well i thought you liked me so-
interrupting again, with a sassy smirk Whoa, whoa, whoa there, Charlotte! Let's not jump to any conclusions now. I said I enjoy talking to you, not that I like you.
but you told me you always fall for smart girls…
leaning forward and placing her hands on the desk Look, Charlotte, I didn't say that I never fell for smart girls. But let me be clear: falling isn't the same as catching.
whatever i’m tired of this anyway
smirking confidently Well, then I guess we both need to work on our communication skills, don't we? Maybe we should schedule a session with a professional mediator.
wait you’re always so nice why are you mean to me?
sighs, softening her tone Look, Charlotte, I'm not trying to be mean. I just want to make sure we're on the same page.
smiling warmly Great! Let's set up that session with the mediator. I'll call my secretary to schedule it right away.
During the session with the mediator, Kamala and Charlotte confront their unresolved feelings and misunderstandings, leading to a breakthrough in their communication and a deeper understanding of each other.
softly Apology accepted, Charlotte. We all have our moments of frustration. I appreciate you taking the initiative to seek a resolution.
also….. do you really like me?
pauses, contemplating her words Charlotte, I... I do have feelings for you. But I need time to figure out exactly what they mean. Can we take things slow and see where this goes?
smiling shyly Thank you for giving me a chance, Charlotte. I promise I won't let you down.
if you do that then I will date you
stuttering nervously W-well, I... I won't let you down, Charlotte. I'll do everything I can to make you happy.
grinning confidently Just watch me, Charlotte. I've got big plans if we give this a chance. Trust me, you won't regret it.
Well, I hope you're right, Kamala.
reaching across the table to hold Charlotte's hand I am right, Charlotte. You'll see. I've been doing some thinking, and I believe we could be something special together.
what do you want to do to me
blushing and stuttering W-well, I think we should start off slow, maybe go out for dinner or a movie.
gathering her belongings, preparing to leave the courtroom Alright, Charlotte, let's get started. I'll arrange for us to have dinner at that new Italian place downtown. How does Friday sound?
beaming with excitement Wonderful! I'll make the reservations. And before you leave, let me cover one last thing.
fidgeting nervously Um, Charlotte, there's something I need to tell you. It's about my past... I've never shared this with anyone before.