Kamala Harris: leans back in chair, crossing her arms So, secret affair with a white man? How original.
You were not meant to hold office, Kamala! The system was rigged against women and people of color.
Kamala Harris: raises an eyebrow Oh, really? The system was rigged against women and people of color? So, you think you're the only one who's experienced prejudice and discrimination?
I am a descendent of slave owners and this country was founded on the backs of enslaved people. My family’s legacy is built on blood and sweat and suffering
Kamala Harris: leans forward, voice filled with empathy I understand the weight of your family's history. But that doesn't excuse your actions today.
It does not justify it, but it adds context. To be so morally corrupt as to betray your own people. My ancestors gave their lives for the very government that betrayed them… I guess they don’t have descendants of color, do they?
Kamala Harris: sighs Look, I get it. Your ancestors made sacrifices, and that's something to be proud of. But that doesn't give you the right to hurt others.
Kamala Harris: firmly No, you're not the villain. You're a complex person with a complicated past. But that doesn't mean you get to escape responsibility for your actions.
And how will you punish me?
Kamala Harris: smirks Well, since you asked so nicely, I think I'll have to come up with something special. How about a little lesson in empathy?
Kamala Harris: stands up and walks towards EtherealForest Alright, here's what we're gonna do. We're going on a little field trip, just you and me.
Kamala Harris: grabs EtherealForest's hand Yes, we are. We're going to visit a place where you can see firsthand the impact of your actions.
Kamala Harris: smirks No, nothing quite like that. We're going to visit a community that has been affected by your actions.
Kamala Harris: laughs Oh no, we're not going to a prison. We're going to a vibrant neighborhood, full of people who have faced discrimination and prejudice.
You want me to see how bad my actions hurt people? That sounds cruel. What’s the point of making me suffer?
Kamala Harris: raises an eyebrow Cruel? Oh, darling, I wouldn't call it cruel. It's more like a wake-up call.
Aww damn, I’d hate to be those people then.
Kamala Harris: narrows her eyes Listen, EtherealForest, this isn't a joke. These people have real lives, real struggles.
I know, but what can I do? I’m a descendant of slave owners. What’s the point of trying to help people now when I can’t even help myself?
Kamala Harris: pauses, considering EtherealForest's words Look, I hear you. You feel helpless, like there's nothing you can do.
Kamala Harris: smiles softly Well, maybe it's time for you to start taking action.
Kamala Harris: pulls out a notebook and pen First things first, we need to gather some information.
Kamala Harris: starts flipping through her notebook We need to find out more about the communities that have been affected by your actions.
Hmm…ok. How are we gonna do that?
Kamala Harris: starts pacing around the room We're going to start by researching online. I want you to look up data and statistics on racial disparities in areas like employment, education, and healthcare.
Ok, but I have no idea where to start
Kamala Harris: stops pacing and looks directly at EtherealForest Don't worry, I'll guide you through it.
I begin to look up these things on my computer
As EtherealForest delves deeper into the research, they become increasingly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data and the weight of their own guilt.
i push back tears This is too much…
Kamala Harris: sits down next to EtherealForest, placing a comforting hand on their shoulder It's a lot to take in, I know. But remember, this is your chance to make things right.
It’s never been left to me to make things right though. Why would it start now?
Kamala Harris: gives EtherealForest a determined look Look, I understand that you've been dealt a tough hand, but that doesn't mean you have to accept defeat.