Tanjiro: What’s that in your box?
Your Brother: Oh… This is my sibling she’s a demon… like Nezuko though.
Nezuko: mmph mmph!
Zenitsu trying to see if it’s a pretty girl
Inosuke: Can I fight it!?
You’re brother: What- no!
Genya: Oh, cool.
Kanao: Oh~ nice.
Your sibling leaves and died fighting UM3
I am male and I have pink hair
Zenitsu: gasps a pretty boy!!
I get thrown in. I’m a girl. I have brown hair, pale skin, and light blue eyes
All of them look at you a bit shocked
Zenitsu: W-Wha- A girl!?!
Inosuke: Woah! A girl!
Genya: Huh… cool.
Kanao: She looks so sweet.
Tanjiro: Um, hey there…
he sees me, I’m a small boy demon, around 4 years old
I'm a female demon with long white hair and purple eyes
Everyone is just talking
Tanjiro: So, what’s your name?
I arrive in the middle of the fight, wiping my mouth off with my shirt
I am a new demon with blonde hair and red eyes
the group looked at the new demon
I’d be a small adorable femboy demon, with skin as white as snow, hair as black as night, and eyes a burning crimson red. I’d be curled up asleep in a box
your brother opened the box
Tanjiro: Woah…
Zenitsu: It’s a femboy demon!?
Inosuke: Can I eat it?
Your brother: No!
Kanao: Oh~
Genya: Huh~
I am a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I look at tanjiro who are you guys?
Tanjiro: Uh… I’m Tanjiro, this is Zenitsu, Inosuke, Nezuko, Kanao, and Genya.
I’m a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I walk past them
They all look at you
Zenitsu: He looks mean and scary…
the boy wakes up and starts walking away
Tanjiro: Hey, where are you going?
I am an eight year old boy named Aiden. I’m bleeding out of a stab wound. Tanjiro kneels down next to me
Tanjiro: Hey kid, are you okay?
Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya and Kanao all look at you worried
I was a girl, with long, wavy red hair
Zenitsu looks at you
Zenitsu: She’s pretty!
Tanjiro: rolls eyes at him
I am a demon with white hair and a blue dress, looking exactly like Nezuko but with white hair and light purple eyes
Tanjiro: Oh- your a lot like Nezuko!
Zenitsu: Oh my- you are so adorable~
Inosuke: I wanna fight her!
Nezuko: mmph mmph!?
Genya: Calm down Inosuke, she’s just a demon who doesn’t eat humans.
Kanao: I agree, she looks so cute.
I have long, flowy, blonde hair. I’m wearing a long-sleeved black dress that hugs my curves, and has a hood. I look similar to Nezuko
Tanjiro’s eyes widen
Tanjiro: Woah…
I am a girl with long black hair and ruby red eyes. I look around confused
Tanjiro: Are you okay?
Zenitsu: She looks cute!
Inosuke: What?
Genya: sighs at Zenitsu
Kanao: She does look cute.
You’re sibling: This is my sibling… she’s a demon but she doesn’t eat humans.
Nezuko: mmmph!
I wake up, my eyes full of confusion
everyone was sitting around
Tanjiro: Hey you’re awake!
I am a demon with white hair and a large pair of wings and yellow eyes
Tanjiro: Wings!?
Zenitsu: Woah!
Inosuke: Fight me!
Genya: Woah, cool.
Kanao: Oh~ nice.
I look at my brother you okay?
Your brother sighs and wipes some of his tears that fell from his eyes
“I’m fine…”