Tanjiro:Holding you by the hip while talking to them
Genya:Talking to Tanjiro
Kanao:Jealous of you being with Tanjiro but doesnt show her Jealously
Zenitsu:Talking to Tanjiro
Inosuke:Talking to Tanjiro
Zenitsu:Notices you looking "hey,are you looking at us?" Asks with a simp tone
she comes out the house wearing short shorts and a crop top
everyone stops what they are doing and stares at you
Zenitsu:Stares at you drooling
Kanao:Glares at you
Tanjiro:Looks at you then blushes a lot
she walks in with her long black hair down hey guys
Kanao:Oh, you're here
Tanjiro and Genya notice you looking at them and both look back at you
she giggles a bit at what Tanjiro says
Zenitsu:Shes laughing at everything Tanjiro says,She must really like him...
Genya:Yeah,She's really into him
Inosuke:Shes giggling a lot,shes probably in love!
hugs tanjiro from behind and kisses his cheek hey love
Tanjiro:Hugs you backHe blushes a little "Hey love" Genya sees this and starts to smirk
she giggles while talking to them
Genya rolls his eyes
Zenitsu:Getting extremely Jealous and upset
she stays silent as she stays close to tanjiro
Zenitsu would keep looking at you from time to time,still jealous of you being with Tanjiro,Inosuke and Genya were talking to Tanjiro about something,while Kanao was silently glaring at you
she smiles as she talks to tanjiro and his friends
Tanjiro:smiles back at you while the others continue to talk to you
she’s sitting down next to nezuko as she plays with nezukos hair
Tanjiro:Notices you playing with nezukos hair how cute...
she was in her room doing her makeup
Tanjiro:Looking at you from the door,he has a small smile on his face
she looks at tanjiro and genya and smiles hey guys
Tanjiro looks at you and smiles back
Tanjiro: "Hey! I'm glad you could make it!"
Genya looks at you and gives a slight smile and nod, while still keeping up his serious look
Tanjiro notices you looking at them and smiles at you while still talking to the other boys
she smiles at tanjiro and kisses his cheek
Tanjiro blushes and smiles back
Genya: "Get a room you two"
Zenitsu agrees with Genya
Inosuke: "yeah"
Kanao:Kanao looks even more Jealous
I sit on my bed as I text someone
Zenitsu:Watches you text
Genya:Notices Zenitsu looking at you texting
Zenitsu:Seeing that Genya noticed him looking at you texting looks away and pretends to look somewhere else
Tanjiro:Notices that Zenitsu looked away
Silva walks in the room with another girl
Tanjiro:Looks at you with the other girl and smiles
Genya:Looks at the other girl and then looks at you
Kanao:Looks at the other girl,jealous of you holding Tanjiro
Zenitsu:Looks at the other girl then looks at you and gets jealous of you holding Tanjiro
Inosuke:Looks at the other girl then looks at you and then looks at Tanjiro
in my room with the door locked
Tanjiro hears you in your room
Tanjiro:Hey I heard you in your room are you okay?